So everyone has a favorite video or alot of games they love to play, and recently I've been thinking what are mine? Well after looking at all the games I ever owned or played I came up with several results. These results were do I play alot videos when I'm bored or do it just for fun. Mostly now I usually just spam the recent SmackDown vs Raw, and Call of Duty, along with a few other PS3 games. But once in awhile I switch it up and go back to N64, the GameCub, Gameboy/Advance, PS2, and some current DS games I haven't touched in awhile. And this is where my list of most spammed games came into play and the list goes by years of owning the game, along with the fact this list stops at 2010!

1. Pokemon Stadium 2 (N64): I can't ever stop playing this, it's like every summer or winter break my friends and I would just play the damn Mini-Games. We'd hold like several Mini-Game Tournaments for like over 2hrs. Other than Mini-Games, I do really love the GYM Trainer challenge where you face off against all 16 GYM Leaders and Elite Four members. That's always a plus in my mind.

2. Mega Man Xtreme (Gameboy Color): This Megaman game is probably one of the only Megaman games I still play. Even thou I love NT Warrior series, the original side-scrolling maps are easier to navigate and play out, also maybe cause this guy also has an amazing D-Art could also be the reason I still play this too.

3. Zoids: Battle Legends (GameCube): Originally it was Zoids II in Japan and we got it adapted when Zoids were popular at the time. The game is pretty crap for the tournament mode and the story mode. Hell this story mode I think is based on the manga and not the show, cause I could recognize any of the characters in that mode. They seemed to be, before the Chaotic Century took place. The gameplay is easy, just the costumizing is a bitch. But hey they're ZOIDS!

4. Godzilla: Save the Earth (PS2): I skipped getting Unleashed, due to fact most of the better characters were in WII edition. So I just stayed with this one. Anyways it's like Melee for GameCub/XBox, but it's awhole lot better; more Kaiju, better maps and alot more game features. The roster is about 18 to 20 monsters and hell I just love laying down a Kaiju Smackdown on Monster Island! Random Note: Mothra Leo isn't in the game, even thou it's promoted on the cover.

5. Mobile Suit Gundam: Encounters in Space (PS2): The war between the Earth Federation and the Principality of Zeon continues, but this time you the player end it! The game play is a little ify at times cause it seems a little laggy during the battle. Just the better parts come when playing as the other lesser known pilots in their own stories or prolgues explianing their earlier days before the series took place. The best part of the game is the cut scenes and media jukebox which has all the original Japanese tracks. Best track on the whole game is Encounters!

6. Pokémon FireRed(pictured above) & LeafGreen (GBA): These remakes of the original Red & Blue are by great remakes. The gameplay is practically 100% like the originals, along with the fact new features/areas are added in too. The graphic too are amazing, along with the fact the PokéDex includes all the Pokémon Kanto to Hoenn.

7. Star Wars: Battlefront II (PS2): This sequel blew the original out of the water. This installement to the Battlefront series which is still in question to continue gave the player new ways to battle. The most maps were new, or different with the gameplay mostly the same, just added the Sith and Jedi. The new general style of gaming really made the game cooler along with the intergalactic space battles. Jedi Starfights and ARC-170, FTW!...And I don't mean For the

8. DragonBall Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 (PS3)(BT pictured): This game had one of the largest rosters a game could ever have at the time, it was a total of almost 161 characters. The game aloud team battles, battle replay, and enviromental stages like day to night. Other features, were Great Apes and how to activate fusion during team battles. The gameplay itself really hadn't changed much since the last verison.

9. Kamen Rider Dragon Knight (NDS): Is an addicting video game that practically replays itself over and over again during story mode. Almost all the stories are the same, but it's still fun as hell. The other gameplay mode, survival where you continuiously face off against Mirror Monsters. Anyways the game is just pure Rider Fun, and awhole lot of Rider Action.

10. Pokémon HeartGold(pictured above) & SoulSilver (NDS): Another remake based on the Johto region, and just like FireRed & LeafGreen, these remakes are over the top. I can't stop playing the game, the details are great the game is slightly harder. Or if the original was hard, then I surely forgot that but heck it made the game alot better to try and beat. Another plus was the addition of the other Pokémon from the different regions, anytime they add them all it makes you...Got to Catch 'em All, Got to Catch 'em All! GOT TO CATCH THEM ALL, POKéMON!
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