Wednesday, December 7, 2011

My Birthday, Uchu Kita!

Recently news came out on the upcoming Tamashii Exclusive of the SH Figuarts Kamen Rider Fourze, Super Rocket States. The figure is determined to be released sometime during April 2012, with Pre-Orders opening today 16:00Japan Standard Time. The Super Rocket States, is to come with two Rocket Modules and Super Rocket Switch. For the form itself thou it's schedule to debut in the movie, Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider Fourze & OOO: Movie War Mega Max. Along with this I'm glad for one that Exclusive is coming out in April, since my birthday is in April so I'm getting this one!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Rolling Review: SH MonsterArts Godzilla

This the review for SH MonsterArts Godzilla, an amazing figure that just blows my mind at how awesome it truely is. This figure looks amazingly like the suit, just the issue is the posibility of it. The figure comes with really tight limbs in the arms, legs, and neck along with possibly the waist. My favorite features of the figure are how the spinal plates are, along with the details in its mouth. I seriously can't believe they managed to fit in the two layers of teeth in its mouth. The figure also comes with 1st round bonus, Effect-with-Stand set of Godzilla's Blue Spiral Atomic Breath, that looks like an icicle. Well then take care spike the hair, and check out my current videos, upcoming reviews or V-logs, and a facebook Toku-fan page:
The Rolling Revolution:
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Sunday, December 4, 2011

DC Universe Online: You Should Play It!

Usually I'm not one to play MMORPG's but when DC Universe originally came out I was automatically drawn to it somehow. Just I didn't purchase the game right a way because I'd have to buy the game and the membership to play. That meant I'd have cut down a lot on my collection to play this game. Eventually a miracle happened and if went up for FREE-to-Play, I downloaded it immediately and started kickin' villain ass.

But since it became FREE, and for FREE players I soon discovered a few caps on our games like 2 Characters only and a cap on the money at hand, $1500. That meant if you'd have to delete one to start a new, as villain or different type of hero. Along with that have only the $1500 to spend in the game itself meant buying items and repairing armor became harder. The other issue was the server merging that cause the game to crash for almost over a week or so repeatedly, along with the long queues to enter the game.

Just after noticing the caps on the FREE players and the fixing of the server crashes the game is still quite enjoyable for all. You get to make Leagues with your friends, and go on special group missions called Alerts, Duos or Legends:PvP! Right now, I'm currently in the League known as the Toku Titans a league forged with ProjektRDM and the AXT guys. You can find me on the game roaming around as either the Speeding, Hand-Blasting, Techy, "Kamen Flare" or the Freezing, Martial Artist Acrobat, "Mach Freeze". I'm practically on every night playing the game, so if you want to find me and join me on some missions, just turn on your PS3, go to your DCUO, add me as friend and try hunting me down!

Just be warned, you may get NEXUS'ed!

Friday, December 2, 2011

V-Log: From Sentai to Samurai & Godzilla in Between

My 1st actual V-log in linke months to go up the same day as I got the items. This recent haul I got, was from Amiami and Walmart meaning Sentai or Kamen Rider is heavily involved. Well from Amiami I got Ranger Set SP to complete the 35 Red Senshi from Super Sentai, Gokai Green & Darin along with MonsterArts Godzilla. The Godzilla is the whole freakin' reason I uploaded this video in the first place, since I'm a mega-zilla fan. Then from Walmart I got to finally complete my Samurai Wave 2, yea I got it complete meaning I got that supposed hard to find Samurai Gold Ranger. That should piss off my buddy Darkon for a good while, lol! Also expect the MonsterArts review up in a few days, I hope! Well then take care spike the hair, and check out my current videos, upcoming reviews or V-logs, and a facebook Toku-fan page:
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Power Rangers Samurai, Reg Red, Reg Blue, Reg Green, and Reg Gold & Rita Repuslsa
SH Figuarts Gokai Green & Gokai Darin
SH MonsterArts Godzilla
Ranger Key Set SP

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Episode Review: Power Rangers Samurai, Clash of the Red Rangers

Special Summary
The Samurai Special starts off with the Megazord battle from the Shinkenger vs Go-onger special where the RPM Rangers have the duel with "Professor Cog" as he's named that. Cog wins the duel, and tells RPM Red that he's going to another World transitioning to the Special Opening, clipping footage from the Shinkenger Movie and vs Go-Onger Movie. During the opening we see spoilers for today's special like the "Hyper" Samurai Red, "Hyper" MegaRed, "Hyper" RPM Red, Super form and even "DAI GOYO"! We get alot of things spoiled as you can see.

Following the opening we cut to Professor Cog and Grinders arrive in Samurai World, via the Subway. Cog goes to seekout in how to find the Netherworld and Master Xandred, witnessing the Samurai Rangers battle a Nylock Monster. After the monster runs out of water, he heads back to the Sanzu River to report to Xandred where "Akumaru" is seen and speaks during this confrontation. As Xandred, "Akumaru", Octoroo, and the Nylock talk Xandred tells of General Gut(Shinkenger Movie Villain) is preparing an army to attack the Rangers. They then cut in Professor Cog, arriving in the Sanzu River who seeks to forge an alliance with Xandred.

As the Alliance is forged, RPM Red arrives in this world also via the Subway, uh is this Kamen Rider Den-O?! Anyways the Grinders attack the Samurai Rangers, when RPM Red arrives to save them. Mia and Emily automatically like him, while the guys don't trust him at all while heading off to the Shiba House. RPM Red tells them his name is, Scott(Good Same Voice, Same Name) and he can't demorph due to how his universe's air flow is possibly different from the Samurai's World, while explaining Venjix and Prossefor Cog's motifs. Back in the Sanzu River, Xandred summons the Nylock called Sgt. Tread(Nylock from vs Go-Onger) while Grinders begin to attack a fisherman.

The fisherman is Antonio, who morphs into Samurai Gold and uses "Dai Goyo" to fight them. Back at the Shiba house Mike tries getting Scott to demorph luring him Mia's food, before he runs off on Mentor's motorcycle to aid Antonio whose fighting next to the Gold Zushi cart. Eventually all 7 Rangers face off with Cog; Cog defeats them hitting the Reds with Hypno-bolts and the other Samurai Rangers with Vector Vortex sending them to RPM World. The Reds retreat, where RPM Red says the other RPM Rangers will help the Samurai Rangers as General Gut chats with Xandred, and Cog get his Sanzu River water. By night fall the Hypno-bolts begin to work turn the Red against each other, as the Nylocks prepare for another attack. Jayden summons a Horse, and Scott steals the motorcycle again with the Rangers racing each other heading off to the Nylock Attack Force.

Moogers and Grinders, surround the Red Rangers as they finally turn against each other. The footage of RPM Red vs Samurai Red is practically the same from Sentai Team Up Special, just the only difference is how they avoid killing each other using different objects. Then the Rangers show how they figured out the poison from the bullets as the Red Rangers take on Sgt Tread and Professor Cog on their own. The Car fight is clipped in, along with the debut of Hyper Form called Shark Attack Mode and the Super Mode. The Samurai Rangers finally arrive, with showings of the Hyper Go-On Red suit in the US before shooting right into the Rangers destroying Tread and Cog.

Next up the Samurai Rangers and RPM Red face off with General Gut and his army of Nylocks. The 5 main Samurai Rangers call on their horses and RPM Red uses the Car agian with Antonio hopping in with him. Most of the footage is from the Shinkenger Movie, while Antonio and Scott get a few small scenes. Samurai Red goes Shark Mode to fight General Gut all leading into our Megazord battle. Mega Shark Red, stands in the cockpit battling General Gut, while Scott and Antonio have car trouble. The Samurai Shark Megazord, destroys General Gut in seconds while the others still have car trouble. Xandred then goes through Rita Repuslsa syndrome, the ongoing headaches!

The Samurai Rangers, send off Scott at the Subway. There Mike still tries to get Scott to demorph. As the chat about, Scott says to Mike he knows he's got a thing for Emily and her for him. The train heads off, and the guys head for home with Mike leaping in the air knowning love is in the air.

This actually wasn't horribly bad as most people might say. The special opening is the thing that really ruined the whole special. If it didn't show so many spoilers, I would've been more amused. The other spoilers also were bad like the names weren't given for "Akumaru" or "Dai Goyo" throughout the whole thing. They were there in the special and did something, just "Dai Goyo" didn't talk sadly. Our other huge issue was Scott being stuck in Ranger Form, and just him being our only RPM Ranger. I have no hatred for the special execpt towards the small issues of not naming "Akumaru" and how another Nylock Monster is shown not being defeated. Since the monster seen early on wasn't destroyed I fell like they're going to reclip the fight into a later on episode to conclude the monster's defeat. My actual likes about the special in general was how it was greatly clipped together, combining both Shinkenger Movies and the trolling debut of Super, along with Shark Attack Mega Mode. In all actuality this 1hr Special was the best Samurai sets by far up to today and plan to rewatch several more times!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A "Lost" V-log: The Pirate Gang

This is a "Lost" V-Log, which is incrediblily late. This arrived and was filmed during late August or September, honestly can't recall when it exactly was. Anyways its a Mobirate from Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger that I purchased from HobbyLinkJapan or as most call it I got it for EMS, just had the long wait for the store to send me my order confirmation. I did originally plan to review the Mobirate and Ranger Key Sets, but as of late I rather not. Roleplay items aren't my favorite things to review. Well then take care spike the hair, and check out my current videos, upcoming reviews or V-logs, and a facebook Toku-fan page:
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Monday, October 31, 2011

Top 10 Halloween Themed PR Monsters

A Top 10 to celebrate Halloween in a Power Ranger sorts of ways. This Top 10 is for Halloween themed monsters or monsters that attack based on the horror or sci-fi genre. Not all on this Top 10 may amuse or please most fans, since it's my choice and my ranking for these monsters along with the episodes they were in. Along with that I do hope everyone has a pleasant Halloween, and can re-call these great Monsters of Power Ranger Horror!

10. Frankenstein's Monster - MMPR: Life's A Masquerade
This was a easy given to place at 10 cause it quite frankly did nothing, but try to scare the party-goers at the Youth Center. Along with just doing nothing it was a horrible suit, and lamer than any other frankenstein at the time, until the Beetleborg Knock-Off showed up. Also it was eventually destroyed by the Dragonzord in Battle Mode. A fun-fact about it was in Zyuranger this monster had a bigger part to play, as it returned to form Mutitus' japanese counterpart.

9. Gargoyle of the Gates - PRMF: Gatekeeper Pt. 2
The Gargoyle, is one of my favorite Mystic Force monster from the show that wasn't a main villain or apart of the Ten Terrors. Another reason I enjoy this monster was it was pretty badass, along with that I've always loved Disney's Gargoyles. The creature had no speaking lines, and was just a mere random creature. I would've liked the monster if it appeared long than just 10 or 15 mins within this two parter.

8. The Alien - PRLG: The Rescue Mission
This monster made the Top 10? Yeah it did, so get over it! The Alien made it on my countdown due to the fact, this was an episode not about Rangers morphing and fighting a monster with guns! Another huge reason on how the Alien made it on this Top 10, was because the movie is alot like the Alien-movie series since alot of the series are shot in darkness and its an original PR Monster.

7. Wolfblades - PRNS: Shimazu Returns Pt. 1 & Pt. 2
These were Shimazu werewolf-like pet warriors that did his bidding. There were three in total a black, a silver and a brown. I really liked these monster for their design and combined form(pictured above). I could've placed them higher on the Top 10, but chose not to just because retro is usually always better to me.

6. Barillian Bugs - PRiS: The Barillian Sting
The Barillian Bugs, have no true tie to a Halloween but the episode is like 1989 science-fiction horror film Leviathan. The reason I say it's like Leviathan and not the Alien series is because its an infectious mutation which takes out Carlos and Cassie. Another thing is the Barillian Bugs are amazing scorpion themed monsters!

5. Skelekron & his Reapers - PRLG: Destined for Greatness
Skelekron was a skeleton-knight monster which looked badass, along with that had Skeleton Warriors(pictured atop the Top 10) that looked like either the Four Horsemen or Grim Reapers. Also his Skeleton Warrior were made by leech the powers of the Rangers which he captured. Just he sadly was defeated by Mike who assumed the role of Magna Defender.

4. Count Nocturne - PRT: Carlos and the Count
This monster is freakin' goofy as hell, yet it was a semi-successful monster when it comes to Megazord Battles. He crucified the Rescue Megazord, then drilled into the Turbo Megazord limbs forcing the two to combine their working parts to defeat him. The Megazord fight from this episode is amazingly one of my favorites from childhood, along with the fact the Rangers were watching Vampire movies that inspire the Count's creation.

3. Pumpkin Rapper - MMPR: Trick or Treat
The infamous Pumpkin Rapper, comes in at Number 3! The Pumpkin Rapper was a jack-o'-lanturn based monster, that has corny raps which I find amusing. His debut was pretty great, since it had several great songs from Ron Wasserman. He's a re-used quite often, along with that he returns in another Halloween themed episode.

2. Rito Revolto - MMPR
Yeah Rito Revolto a main villain made it into the Top 10! Rito was always, one of my favorite generals alongside Goldar just Rito fits the theme. Another reason Rito got on the countdown is cause he destroyed the Thunderzords and fought the Ninja Falcon Megazord only to be defeated.

1. Doomstone - MMPR: Zedd's Monster Mash
Doomstone is a monster that never died! He's like the greatest monster ever, since he never died along with that he's a Tombstone that resurrects old monsters. Heck a monster that could resurrect monsters could've taken over the world all on his own. I seriously think if Saban still had alot of the monster suits, to make an anniversary special on Doomstone making a fallen monster army to face all Rangers... Actually it should be the whole plot for Gokaiger's American Adaptation!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Rolling Reveiws: Transformers DotM Megatron & Shockwave

A long awaited review for Dark of the Moon Voyager Class, Megatron! Sadly I must mention before hand there are techincal difficulties as in the camera couldn't focus as I tried moving it and being it's a webcam the wire also got in the way. But as for the figure it's an awesome Transformer since for once Megatron looks like the Anti-Prime and comes with a cloak. The transformation is easy and little over lapped, just it this case it works for the figure entirely. It other words it keeps the Truck mode together well without any lag or so from Megatron's limbs. My only issue with it really is the fact he doesn't have the shotgun used in the movie, but the MechTech Cannon/Claw weapon which doesn't lock well like other Voyager types do. Well then take care spike the hair, and check out my current videos, upcoming reviews or V-logs, and a facebook Toku-fan page:
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The long awaited review for Dark of the Moon, Shockwave! He's a Cybertronian Tank, and comes with a Mechtech Cannon. The Tank is amazing and looks menacing. The transformation is easy, but needs to be carefully taken apart to go from vehicle to robot. However during this review, a piece breaks and explains why I say "be careful!" Shockwave in it's robot form is amazingly monsterous, one of the best verisons of Shockwave ever made. His possiblity is great, just he sadly has ape like arms which are hilarious cause you can only make him taunt "Bring IT!" Anyways, I love and hate it since it broke on me during the review and the transformation needs to be carefully taken apart along with its ape arms!

Oh Hey, I Still Blog!?!

Well I've been away for sometime now, not blogging! I can't really apologize for my absence, since I still could've posted a few things here and there. During my absence I posted a few new reviews to my youtube channel, continued working on AniXToku and lost my internet for just about a week or so. Along with that we got more news on wrestling, random rants and other cool things I collected during my hiatus. So don't worry, I new things in store for the blog here! Just keep checking for new posts on reviews, news, and other things about every other day cause who knows what can happen next!

Monday, October 3, 2011

WWE Raw 10/3

A day removed from Hell in a Cell, and Raw starts with promote 12-Man Tag Team match for tonight's Main Event. Following that we get Randy Orton facing off with Drew McIntyre, and Orton just destroys McIntyre in the opening minutes. McIntyre, fights back with a Big Boot and rope hung chokes. McIntyre follows up with brawling tactics, until Orton begins to hit his signatures. Orton follows through with the RKO, picking up the pinfall and win. After the match as McIntyre, tries getting up Orton hits him with another RKO as Mark Henry makes his way to the ringside. Orton flies right out to him and the two brawl about as security separates them, Henry breaks free and jumps Orton and Orton replies in the same way. Orton even goes to pushing Henry into the crowd, before allowing security to do their job.

After the first break, we return to Henry standing in the ring pacing about awaiting his opponent for the night. During that time as Henry waits for John Morrison we get told that Big Show is returning to Smackdown this Friday. Morrison starts off with working on Henry's knee, leading to him grounding Henry fast. Morrison lands the Knee Smash and Starship Pain but can't manage the pinfall. Henry kicks out, and goes right for the World's Strongest Slam and wins. Following the match Henry hits the World's Strongest Slam on Morrison again and cuts a promo about how he's done with Orton along with calling out Big Show. Backstage, John Lauriniatis holds another meeting with the disgruntled WWE Superstars like Vickie Guerrero and her Stable, Christian, and Alberto Del Rio to name a few.

Now in ring all the guys that were backstage with Lauriniatis, are in the ring. The whole group is Alberto Del Rio, Christian, Cody Rhodes, David Otunga, Vickie Guerrero, Dolph Ziggler, and Jack Swagger. Del Rio, starts off since he's the new WWE Champion so he has to rant about defeating Cena and Punk along with Awesome Truth attacking him. Christian follows up about WWE COO Triple H, then he passes it off to Rhodes, and it goes on like this for awhile. When it finally gets to Vickie the crowd just boo's her none stop as usual before passing it someone no one cares about Otunga! Triple H finally shows up and chews them out for being the whining losers they are and for them to do their job.

Next match on the card is a Divas' Tag Team match with Kelly Kelly and Eve facing Beth Phoenix and Natalya, AGAIN! Kelly and Phoenix start the match and brawl outside leading to Eve and Natalya to get involved. This all leads to the match becoming a No-Contest, while Kelly destroys Phoenix! Backstage Triple H, talks with Lauriniatis about Miz and R-Truth from last night, along with when Triple H hitting Lauriniatis. Triple H, even then chews out Lauriniatis yet again it's like Lauriniatis loves doing the same crap each week!

After a commerical break, we come to a promo for Fast Five then a match with Jinder Mahal and Santino Marella. Mahal just beats Santino with knees, until falling into the Cobra. Santino picks up the win and swiftly exits the ring leaving Mahal feuding in the ring. Following a short break, we see a brief promo for Brodus Clay whose soon to have his return to tv. Then we get the scenes of Miz and R-Truth attacking everyone in the WWE Championship, Hell in a Cell match. Following the scenes from last night, we get the Youtube video of Miz and R-Truth apologizing along with them sueing Triple H. Before heading into the commerical break, the 12-Man Tag Team match begins! CM Punk, John Cena, Sheamus, Mason Ryan, and Air Boom facing Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger, David Otunga, Cody Rhodes, Alberto Del Rio and Christian with Vickie Guerrero. This hopefully won't suck for a main event.

The 12-Man Tag begins with Sheamus and Mason over powering the opposite team. The match flips back and forth, for awhile. During a the match Del Rio dropkicks Kofi in the back of the head which looked badass. The match continues, and Air Boom get involved for match leading to Bourne almost winning the match for their team. Vickie puts Swagger's leg on the rope breaking the count but leads to her getting kicked out. The match continues with alot more of reversals and great moments to the match. The whole match ends when everyone gets involved hitting their finishers on each other, and thus allows Sheamus to pick up the pinfall on Ziggler.

Following the main event we get this huge promo thing about does everyone trust Triple H as COO. The ringside is filled by Raw, Smackdown and Referee rosters along with Jerry "the King" Lawler's return. Triple H makes his entrance and talks about him running the business the way he knows how to. Someone tries to cut him off and he tells them to shut up, that person was Wade Barrett. Triple H then responds on how Wade Barrett was once a problem to the WWE. Chioda then explains how the referees fear coming to their jobs; before Beth Phoenix cuts in about who'll look out for the Divas? The King even, agrees with how everything is coming out of control and how knows someone doesn't want him in charge. Then everyone votes for no confidence in him, leading to the whole roster leaving even the announcers and camera-men go except Jim Ross who was the very last. Lauriniatis comes out for a brief minute then leaves, while the crowd cheers for Triple H.

This Raw began great and ended pretty great. Almost all of the matches were great matches on the card, a first in a good while in which I've seen. The 12-Man Tag Team match was the best on the whole card, and is the only thing I plan to talk about here along with the "No Confidence" vote. The main event match, was great my only issue was no Zac Ryder! They replaced Ryder for Ryan, which it's like hey look Batista V2 he's awesome and cool so we'll push him and not Ryder. Anyways the match was fast paced and Cole even quoted the match was like Fast and Furious and it was. The way they mostly marketed team Ziggler rather team Cena, even thou Cena's team had several good faces. The only members from Cena's team, that wrestled the most were Air Boom, Punk and Sheamus ironically Ryan nor Cena was given enough time in the match which isn't a issue. So when looking at the match it was performed greatly as it tried to market its best wrestlers. As for the 'No Confidence' thing it was stupid and all foreseeable that Triple H would be walked out on. Just it was bad that none of the better 'Face' Superstars even appeared at the meeting to support him. It just look stupid and boring, cause it was foreseeable! WWE could of made it such a better promo if they took the damn time to plan this. That's why this end promo of the night killed my actual rating as it became 4 out of 5-Stars!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

WWE Hell in a Cell

Hell in a Cell, opens with a cool promo for the event. Following that we, pan to the commentary team introducing themselves while Christian makes his entrance. During this time the camera team shows Miz and R-Truth coming to the front row with tickets. Before Sheamus can make his entrance Laurinaitis and his security team come to kick out Miz and R-Truth out. Then the opening match was allowed to begin, Sheamus and Christian tie it up. Sheamus gets an early lead, as Christian tries to bolt from the ring. Sometime later Christian knocks Sheamus out of the ring from the tope rope. Christian drags Sheamus back in, and begins to wear him down. Sheamus powers out, leading to him countering an early KillSwitch. Following that the two soon to begin brawling about from ring-post to ring-post, leading to Sheamus landing the Shoulder Block! As Sheamus, goes for a Brogue Kick on Christian just he bails from the ring leading to an outside Spear then another in the ring. Sheamus breaks the pinfall, and leads to him landing the Brogue Kick followed by the pinfall.

After the match, Mark Henry backstage has an interview with Matt Striker about the upcoming match tonight. We then cut to Sin Cara(Mystico) vs Sin Cara(Hunaco) a match that is quite boring. The opening minutes of the match are boring cause of the damn Sin Cara lighting, and they're very tactical in their wrestling. Eventually these two luchadores starting like luchadores can! Sin Cara(Hunaco) being bigger and stronger, lands a powerbomb and attempts another one leading to Sin Cara(Mystico) getting a roll-up pinfall. Backstage, CM Punk is confronted by David Otunga where Punk insults him several times.

Next up we got a Tag Team Championship match, with Air Boom facing Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger accompanied by Vickie Guerrero. The match begins with Air Boom, beating Swagger and Ziggler about until they use dirty tactics. The match has great points to it and ironically making a match that should be the sub main-event on a Raw. The match almost ends with Ziggler assisting Swagger for a Super-Powerbomb, just Kofi Kingston gets Ziggler out of the ring leading to Bourne hitting the Frankensteiner. Following the Frankensteiner, he goes right into a pinfall roll up for the win.

The fourth match on the card is the World Heavyweight Championship, Hell in a Cell match. Mark Henry and Randy Orton start off the match brawling with each other. Orton, begins trying to ground Mark Henry and slam him off the cell. Henry powers out and being slamming Orton all about the Cell and ring. During the match Henry tries throwing the stairs at Orton, which gets the crowd popping. Henry continues to weardown Orton, for awhile leading to him locking a few Bearhugs in. Henry then drags Orton outside to try and hit a World's Strongest Slam on the steps, but Orton climbs up the cage leading to him fighting out. Back inside the ring Orton, beings to hitting off his signatures followed by him setting up the RKO. Orton, hits the RKO with Henry managing to kickout of a 2-Count pinfall. With the RKO unsuccessful, Orton begins to prep the Punt Kick but falls into the World's Strongest Slam, allowing Henry to pick up the win. After the match ends, Henry instead of walking away tries to cause more damage on Orton with another World's Strongest Slam, and the chair on the knee. Orton slides out of the way and hits him with the chair several times, before Henry kicks him in the gut and runs away.

Backstage Alberto Del Rio, has an interview with Josh Matthews about his upcoming Hell in a Cell match tonight. Following the interview, we get Cody Rhodes coming out to cut a promo. Rhodes during the promo throws the Intercontinental Championship in a paper and un-vales the classic Intercontinental Championship as the new and current Championship. Ironically, this makes Rhodes look badass at this moment to bring back the retro belt! Laurinaitis, then comes out to interupting him to tell him he's defending it against John Morrison. Rhodes, isn't ready for the match and Morrison is just dominating him. Rhodes bails from the ring and begins trying to get counted out. Rhodes, begins to ground Morrison for awhile even locking in the Figure 4-Leglock. Morrison fights out and begins taking it to Rhodes eventually leading to Rhodes blocking and avoiding Morrison signature and finisher. Following those reverses, Rhodes rolls up Morrison for the pinfall.

Laurinaitis comes rushing into Triple H's office, telling him stuff is going down. They go rushing from the office into Air Boom's locker room where Miz and R-Truth are attacking them. Security removes them as Triple H chews out Laurinaitis. After that we cut to Beth Phoenix with Natalya making her entrance to face Kelly Kelly accompanied by Eve for the Divas' Championship. The match starts with Kelly Kelly hitting Phoenix with Lou Thez Presses' and Sentons. Phoenix powers out and ties Kelly up in the turnbuckle followed by a Dragon Sleeper. Phoenix then begins to grind her elbow and knee on Kelly's back. Eventually Kelly and Phoenix battle about in several roll-ups, as Phoenix tries for the Glam Slam. As Kelly begins to get fight out, where Natalya beats down Eve. Back inside the ring, Phoenix locks Kelly in Natalya's new submission, while the refree breaks the hold due to Kelly reaching the ropes as Natalya hits Kelly with the microphone. The ref doesn't notice this and Phoenix follows straight into the Glam Slam and pinfall.

As we come to the WWE Championship, Hell in a Cell we get the promo that lead to this Triple Threat Match. The promo begins with CM Punk winning at Money in the Bank, then Del Rio cashing in his Money in the Bank contract at Summerslam, followed by Cena getting the title back at Night of Champions and finally Triple H making this match. The match opens with Cena and Punk trying to corner Del Rio. Cena and Punk then are left in the ring to start battling each other trying to lock in their finishers. Following that CM Punk hits a suicide dive, on both Cena and Del Rio. Punk and Del Rio, then begin to brawl in the ring as Punk gets out the first weapon of the night. Cena then starts battling with Punk outside before Del Rio joins the fray. Now Cena and Del Rio battle in ring as Cena hits the 5 Knuckle Shuffle, and soon is kicked by Punk. After that Punk hits Cena with a neckbreaker and Del Rio with a DDT, while busting out a table.

Following Cena reversing Punk, Del Rio attacks Cena bringing him back into the ring. As Cena fights back, Punk gets involved in the match again. Del Rio manages to get headlock on Punk as Cena the both for a Leg Drop. Cena goes for an AA on Del Rio, but fails as Punk comes to the save knocking Del Rio out of the ring. Cena and Punk go punch for punch, until Del Rio flies in with a chair. Then Del Rio sentons onto Cena and Punk, which was the stupidest part of the night so far. Eventually, Cena hits an AA on Punk, Del Rio breaks the pinfall while Del Rio tries to lock the Armbar on Cena and Punk saves the match; that ends with Punk hitting a GTS on Cena and Del Rio saving the match. Del Rio takes over the match and begins dismantling Cena. As Del Rio turns to Punk, Punk fights back. Cena explodes back into the match, only leading to Punk reversing him.

As Punk goes to Elbow Drop Cena like he did to Del Rio earlier, Del Rio pushes Punk off the top rope and into the table. Del Rio then falls into the STF, and Ricardo breaks into the match leading to Del Rio getting and locking Cena out of the cell. Del Rio now works on Punk, as Punk is now the underdog. Outside of the cell, Cena begins to come too, while inside Punk fights back. While Del Rio and Punk battle for the Championship, Cena tries breaking into the cell as Del Rio hits Punk with the pipe he used on Cena. This all leads to Del Rio being able to win the Championship, and as the cell rises Cena jumps Del Rio. While this happens Miz and R-Truth slide in attacking everyone in the cells area as the cage closes down. The whole roster rushes to the cell and try to get in, while Awesome Truth destroy the refs, Cena, Punk, Del Rio and Ricardo. Eventually the cell is broke open and every rushes Miz and R-Truth, while they get arrested and Triple H jumps them before being carried away by superstars and security.

Well I can start off by saying that everything but the end of the Pay-Per View was great! That end with Miz and R-Truth, coming out was boring as hell cause the roster didn't get a chance to beat the hell out of them. Like it would've been better if the roster bursted in to destroy those two. The end was just too much like a crappy episode of Raw. Anyways as for the matches, I think the top 3 matches on the card were the Triple Threat Hell in a Cell, the Tag Team match and Sheamus vs Christian. Sin Cara vs Sin Cara would've made it if the lighting was the Gold and Blue for Sin Cara. The whole Triple Threat was amazing and could've ended better with Punk winning, but alright Del Rio it's still an ok ending just due to the reversal rate and counters. The other Hell in a Cell match wasn't the greatest and was quite boring, not enough action or wrestling along with the sad endding of Orton losing!

As for the other matches I did enjoy the Sheamus/Christian match, Tag Team Match and Sin Cara vs Sin Cara. Those three had great points that establish their divisions. Sheamus and Christian brawled about leading to two amazing Spears and the Brogue Kick. Following that we jump to Sin Cara vs Sin Cara, these two luchadores just amazed the hell out of me. My issue was that they didn't go over edge with showing off their talent. Mystico and Hunaco could've brought down the house, just they didn't! The Air Boom/Perfect Americans match was amazing, if anyone doesn't know who the Perfect Americans are they're Ziggler and Swagger. That tag team match was good and great should get a rematch on Raw that's how enjoyable I found it.

The bottom two matches were Rhodes/Morrison for the Intercontinental Championship, and Kelly/Phoenix for the Divas' Championship. Since Rhodes/Morrison was unannounced and it was John Morrison instead of Ted DiBiase I got annoyed. I'm annoyed cause DiBiase is getting crushed, just atleast we know Morrison is out of his trouble due to Melina. So I guess that's good for MoFo's out their! As for the Divas match, it was a great Divas' match but I didn't think Natalya really need to use the Mic on Kelly Kelly to help Phoenix. That was just a low blow for Divas' and yet really violent since Divas' barely use weapons! Anyways as a result if I'm still using the 10-Star rating this would be a nice 8.5-Star rating for Hell in a Cell!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

SH Figuarts Kamen Rider Fourze Preview

Well recently, we got a preview picture of the SH Figuarts Kamen Rider Fourze, and SHF Fourze Module Set. SHF Fourze, will said to come with Rocket Arm and Drill Leg. While the Set will be the Magic Hand, Camera Arm, Radar Arm and Launcher Leg. At this moment in time we are unsure if the set will be regular or exclusive release. I perferably hope this set is a regular release. Well anyways enjoy the spoiler!

Friday, September 30, 2011

WWE SmackDown 9/30

Smackdown, opens up with Booker T making his entrance and welcoming everyone to it. Then he introduces the World Heavyweight Champion, Mark Henry and tries to get on his good side. He ends up getting on his bad side thou, cause Henry well is against the world. Henry then goes on about defeating Randy Orton and will beat him at Hell in a Cell, along with members of the 'Hall of Pain.' Then Henry argues with Booker T, over how Orton will beat or lose at Hell in a Cell. Following that Mark Henry gets ready to face the Great Khali. The match opens with Khali beating down Henry with clubbing fists, and kicks. Eventually Henry, grounds Khali and hits several big splashes. Khali tries to fight back and fail, while falling into the World's Strongest Slam. After Henry beats Khali he then goes to crush Khali's knee with the steel chair and body splash.

Backstage, Khali is on a stretcher as Jinder Mahal confronts them. Following that Air Boom makes their entrance, with a match for Evan Bourne to face Jack Swagger. Swagger is joined by Vickie Guerrero and Dolph Ziggler. The match is pretty good, Evan is seemingly to get a better push. During the match Ziggler tries to interfere, but fails and is attacked by Kofi Kingston, while the ref looks at the fight outside Vickie then interferes helping Swagger. From the interferance, Swagger locks the Ankle Lock on Evan making him tap out. Then breaking news, at Hell in a Cell it will be Sin Cara vs Sin Cara!

The next match is Sin Cara(Mystico) facing off with Heath Slater. In the opening minutes he botches a moves and quickly follows up with his finisher. Then the fake Sin Cara(Hunaco) reveils himself, as the Black and Silver Sin Cara. After that we get a promo for tonights Intercontinental Championship match, Cody Rhodes defending against Sheamus due to Raw's Battle Royal ending with the interferance from Christian. Following the promo we get a commerical break and return to a promo for WWE COO Triple H's recent issues, then all the superstars are in a meeting with John Lauriniatis talking about their greivances. Next we get a Divas' Match with Kelly Kelly facing Natalya, as Beth Phoenix join commentary. The match beings with Kelly elbowing Natalya, and Natalya not getting any counters. Soon Natalya begins to wear Kelly Kelly down, but Kelly lands a roll-up pinfall. After the match Beth Phoenix hits Kelly with a Glam Slam and Natalya hits her with the new submission.

Following the Divas' match we come to the Intercontinental Championship match. Just before the match gets started, Cody Rhodes rants about the injustice that has been given to him and talks smack about Sheamus. During Sheamus' entrance he talks about how he'll beat Rhodes for the title tonight. The match finally gets going and Sheamus overpowers Rhodes. Sheamus just beats him down in the opening minutes, until Rhodes exits and tries to re-enter the ring. Sheamus gets him back in and continues to assault him. Somehow Rhodes, manages to fight out of the assualt and lands a Beautiful Disaster kick on him heading into the commerical break. Coming back from the break Rhodes is maintaining to wear down Sheamus by working on his "injured" shoulder. Sheamus fights back leading to powerslams, diving shoulder block, and finally the Brogue Kick, but misses it. Sheamus recovers and tries for the Celtic Cross, but Christian hits the ring and hits Sheamus with the KillSwitch. The match ends via a DQ, while Rhodes retains the title.

Long Island Iced-Z, Zac Ryder shows up and is a match against JTG of all people. The match is pretty boring starting off since they have JTG out wrestling Ryder. Eventually Ryder, fights out and gets the crowd backing him up. Ryder hits the Broski Boot, and follows up with the Rough Ryder for the win! Woo Woo Woo, You Know It! Backstage Triple H runs into Lauriniatis, and tells him off about his backstabbing ways. Just Lauriniatis tries to say he stands by Triple H, but we know he's not so serious. After another break, we get the stupid Hell in a Cell promo that has been spammed since after Night of Champions and we're read off the matches.

Following the Hell in a Cell promo, Matt Striker has an interview with Randy Orton about his upcoming match with Mark Henry this sunday. Orton is furious with Henry's earlier statements and swears he'll hit a RKO on him. Along with that Orton swears he'll end Henry's reign as World Heavyweight Champion leading into tonight's main event. The main event thou is Christian vs Orton, where it starts off with them countering one another. Eventually the turns to Christian's favor as he begins to dominate him. After a short break, we return to Christian still beating Orton. Soon Orton fights back, with Christian managing some reversals. Christian hits a Spear and only gets a 2-Count pinfall; while Christian goes for the KillSwitch, Orton reverses and lands the Rope-Hung DDT. Two then fight outside the ring, leading into a double count-out draw. While Orton tries to RKO Christian on the announce table, Rhodes comes to the save, then Sheamus comes to Orton's save. That all leads to Henry coming down to hit Orton with the World's Strongest Slam, which he does but when trying to destroy him with a chair Orton kip up hitting a RKO to end the night!

Well Smackdown was alright, and had alright matches. Just the matchs were all predictable. The opening match was good, just I wanted it to go longer since it was a battle of Goliaths'. Following that we get Evan Bourne facing Swagger, I'd perfer it end via Swagger's Gut-Wrench Powerbomb instead of the Ankle Lock. The Ankle Lock just doesn't really fit Swagger since he can't match up to Angle. Following that we get a crappy Sin Cara match and crappy Divas' match. Recently these matches just bore the hell out of me! The Intercontinental Championship, was one of the best on the card. It was really enjoyable, the whole fact that Sheamus destroyed him and how Christian jumped him seemlessly, following that we got a Zac Ryder match! Anytime Zac Ryder is on any show it just adds to my Rating! Well anyways the main event was good, along with the final minutes with the brawls and Orton hitting the RKO in his hometown. With that all being said, SmackDown was great match were played out mostly correct. The key issues with it were mostly the first few opening matches and the end results, actually most of the results hurt the rating for tonight. So I got to go with gut wrenching guess of like 3.5-Star Rating!

Monday, September 26, 2011

WWE Raw 9/26

Raw opens up to WWE COO Triple H, explaining why he fired Miz and R-Truth the previous week after Raw's Main Event. Triple H, then goes on about the fine and firing blaming it on themselves along with Mark Henry's attack on Jim Ross and Jerry "the King" Lawler. Vickie Guerrero and Dolph Ziggler then interrupt Triple H, their reasoning is the "sucker punch" from last week. Dolph Ziggler even goes on to say he's everyone's hero, and I agree with it completely! Triple H, jokes about maybe Ziggler needs protection from even the Muppets as Cody Rhodes shows up. Triple H, then goes to screw with Rhodes about the old days and Christian hits the ring. Guess what Christian asks for another match, leading to Triple H making matches for Christian such as at Hell in a Cell he'll face Sheamus, at Smackdown it's Randy Orton and tonight it's John Cena. Then Triple H gives, Zac Ryder a United States Championship match against Ziggler and Rhodes to defend the Intercontinental Championship match against 9 other guys in a Battle Royal.

The Intercontinental Championship Battle Royal, has Cody Rhodes, Sin Cara, Ted DiBiase, John Morrison, Ezekiel Jackson, Daniel Bryan, Alex Riley, Sheamus, Justin Gabriel, and Drew McIntyre who went out first. Hunico replaces Mystico and he's eliminated by Daniel Byran leading to the two Sin Caras' battling. Sheamus eliminates both Gabriel and A-Ry as Jackson takes out Morrison and Bryan. Sheamus and Jackson brawl about leading to Rhodes eliminating DiBiase. Rhodes, eliminates Jackson and soon after takes out Sheamus with Christian's assistance. Rhodes retains the Championship, while Christian assaults Sheamus.

Next we got the commentary team talking about last week with Mark Henry attacking "the King" leading to King's injury. Backstage John Lauriniatis chats with David Otunga about random crap before jumping to a Kelly Kelly promo. That's followed by a Divas' Tag Team match with Kelly and Eve facing Beth Phoenix and Natalya once again. These rematches are now getting old! Anyways, the match goes as is Phoenix beating Eve before tagging in Natalya. Kelly gets in an just beings to use her speedy style while Eve and Natalya get thrown outside aiding Phoenix in reversing Kelly for a Glam Slam/Pin Combo. Following the match, Mark Henry shows up and makes his way to the ring. His opponent is Great Khali, and Mark just destroys Khali in minutes making the match a no contest.

After a commerical break, we got Cena against Christian. But before the match, John Cena cuts a boring promo all about the Hell in the Cell match. That's followed by Alberto Del Rio and CM Punk joining commentary while Christian finally re-enters the arena. The match starts with Christian taking to the man, he just jumps on Cena. Christian, is soon countered by Cena leading to them spilling outside the ring. As the match ends with Del Rio interrupting the match making it end in a DQ. Then Del Rio proclaims he'll beat CM Punk and Cena this sunday.

Finally we get to the United States Championship match with Zac Ryder and Dolph Ziggler who's accompanied by Vickie Guerrero and Jack Swagger. Ziggler, takes down Ryder fast and just beats him down. Ryder, makes a break hits a Broski boot before being blindsided by Swagger aiding in Ziggler retaining the Championship. Following the match Swagger and Ziggler attack Ryder, while Air Boom comes to the save. Shortly after Ted Long makes a 6-man Tag Team match with Ziggler, Swagger and Mystery Man to face Air Boom and Ryder. The match starts as a Handicap, while Vickie still looks for the other teammate. Ironically Swagger and Ziggler aren't being screwed up by the Handicap. Eventually, when Air Boom and Ryder begin to make a comeback Vickie shows up with Mason Ryan, Batista V2! As Mason Ryan is tagged in he instead turns on Jack Swagger and Dolph Ziggler, leading to Ryder hitting another Rough Rider along with the pinfall.

After another break we get the Hell in the Cell promo that we've seen for weeks. Then we cut to Otunga talking with other Superstars about Triple H running the company. Lauriniatis is truly setting up to over throw Triple H, by pissing in other Superstars' ears. Following that we get to the Main Event, Alberto Del Rio vs CM Punk, while Cena joins commentary. The match opens with CM Punk, going after Del Rio's arm. Eventually Del Rio counters out, and begins really beating down Punk. Del Rio goes after Punk's arm for the rest of the match to set-up for the Cross Armbreaker, but Punk counters with a roll up pin for the win. Following the end of the match the Hell in a Cell cage lowers and Cena joins Del Rio, Punk and Ricardo in the ring. Punk and Cena attack Ricardo, while Del Rio jumps them with a steel chair, leaving him the last man standing for the night.

Well Raw was pretty freaking awesome tonight! We had two title matches, and the Hell in a Cell lowering on the WWE Championship Match opponents. Just starting from the beginning, the whole Intercontinental Championship Battle Royal was great. I really was hoping the match was going in Sheamus' favor just it didn't end that. Hell even if Ted DiBiase won it'd be better than Rhodes. Then the match is a Divas' match that sucked for like 5 to 7 minutes, even thou I enjoyed that Kelly got caught in the Glam Slam. The Cena/Christain match sucked, just due to the finale of the match so that completely sucked. As for the United States Championship match it was a let down to not see Zac Ryder become the new Champion, but the whole 6-Man Tag Team match that followed was great as Batista V2 returned! The end of Raw was good but could've been played out alot better and end with more hype for this half-assed match leading into Sunday. Things that would've been greater for this Raw is some title changes, and Cena or Christian getting some sort of end without the DQ end like it had. Even thou there where some really bad points to the night this still ended great leaving it at a 4-Star Rating!

Friday, September 23, 2011

WWE SmackDown 9/23

SmackDown opens with John Lauriniatis talk about Triple H firing the Miz and R-Truth in front of the SmackDown Roster. Then he cuts right to introducing Mark Henry, shortly after Triple H gets on the scene. After Triple H tries to like congradulate Mark Henry, Christian shows up and somehow to weasel into getting a World Heavyweight Championship match tonight. Triple H just hands him the match, and makes it a Lumberjack Match and winner will face Randy Orton at Hell in a Cell.

The first match on the card is Sheamus vs Heath Slater. This match is already going in one man's favor. Sheamus, just practically beats the hell out of Slater. Then randomly Slater gets one up on him before falling to his demise. The Great White, just destroys the loser. Following the match, backstage Great Khali runs into Christian and they chat it up. This is probably the only time Khali has ever spoke this much english during his whole WWE Career!

Next match is Wade Barrett against Justin Gabriel! Barrett brawls about, beating Gabriel down as the match goes in and out of the ring. Gabriel fights back with a few dives, kicks and a STO. As Gabriel takes his eyes off Barrett, Barrett recovers Boots him in the Head following up with Wasteland. These first few match are seemingly just plain out squash matches.

After a break, Matt Striker has an interview with Randy Orton about his loss. Orton goes on thou to saying he'll get the Championship back. Following the interview, we get a promo for Hell in a Cell. Backstage Christian talks with Ezekiel Jackson about being World Heavyweight Champion. Christian is trying to get support from the Lumberjacks the Lumberjack match tonight. We then get to the Divas' match of the night, it was a Tag Team match. Beth Phoenix and Natalya are squashing yet again Kaitlyn and AJ. Beth and Natalya, just beat the hell out of Kaitlyn in opening minutes. Aj flies into the match starts doing work on Beth, before falling to a Glam Slam yet again as Kaitlyn checks on AJ following the match.

Eventually we get another Randy Orton/Cody Rhodes match. They brawl about and the match is a complete brawl. Rhodes, uses his mask on Orton and Orton replies by doing the same to Rhodes. Due to Orton using the mask he gets DQ'ed, following that he attacks Cody and just beats him down. Orton assaults Cody with his mask, hits him with the ring as WWE edits all the amazing blood Cody spewed from the attack leaving us with a random RKO on the announce table. After that Christian tries to suck up to Sheamus, for the Lumberjack match. Christian even gives Sheamus a potatoe, just it's not an Irish one its an Idaho Potatoe!

The next match is Great Khali facing off with Jinder Mahal. In the opening minutes, Jinder somehow manages to get Khali down. Eventually Khali fights back and quickly finishes off Jinder with his Two Handed Chokeslam. Following Khali destroying Jinder, we get Sin Cara facing off with Daniel Bryan. The match has the original Sin Cara(Mystico) battling with Daniel until, the second Sin Cara(Hunico) knocks Sin Cara out and replaces him while winning the match. It quickly jumps to Christian running into Zac Ryder and trying to win him over. Then randomly Ryder gets a call from Hugh Jackman saying Orton's in!

We get to the Usos' facing off with Air Boom. The Usos' beat down Evan Bourne in the opening minutes which seems the usual for him. Eventually Kofi is tagged in and things get going. Kofi hits one of the bros with a Trouble in Paradise leading to Evan hitting Airbourne for the win. Then before the main event got start we got the Zac Ryder and Hugh Jackman from Raw. The promo even used Decade Stock Music, such as my favorite "Fight in the Man".

Finally we get to the Lumberjack Match for the World Heavyweight Championship! The match starts with Christian trying to getting away from Mark Henry. Christian tries to play cat and mouse but the Lumberjacks stop him. Henry brawls about and beats Christian down, he mostly uses submission holds to wear him down. Christian fights back and almost gets Mark Henry down just he couldn't manage the KillSwitch on him. The fight spills outside and the whole roster swarms Mark Henry, just he destroys anyone who was in his way. Christian then tries to get out of the match and Sheamus throws him back into the ring and right into Mark Henry hitting him with a World's Strongest Slam for the win. After the match Orton rushes Henry going into SmackDown's final minutes of the night.

SmackDown was completely a squash night. The matches were completely able to predict, and figure out all the outcomes even without the known spoilers. Since the matches were so easy to judge and predict it became an issue to really enjoy most of the matches. Ironically even thou they weren't amazing matches, I enjoyed Sheamus beating down Slater, Air Boom/the Usos' match and the Main Event where Henry fought the whole roster. Those few matches just barely got me into the whole episode of SmackDown. Hell if Sheamus wasn't so awesome at kicking everyone's ass the start of the show would've been boring. Then Air Boom was great cause it's just help to set-up Air Boom as a good tag team while still trying to get the Usos' some airtime. Now Mark Henry vs the Lumberjacks was great, for some reason I would've enjoyed Henry losing just for the fact he destroyed the roster last week and it'd be pay back. Another pure plus for the show was Kaitlyn and Zac Ryder, Kaitlyn is one of my favorite Divas in the WWE and Ryder is just Ryder! Making this edition of Smackdown equal out to a mildly great 3-Star Rating; Woo Woo Woo, You Know It!

Power Morphicon it is my DESTINY!

Today Power Morphicon ticket sales opened and everyone rushed to get them along with myself. Just there were several issues on this day! The first issue was the random invitation code when starting make your purchase, you could go further without knowing this random code. Ironically thou, I just randomly guessed pmc2012 was the code and it FREAKIN' worked! I was just hysterical when it worked for me and when RDM didn't believe me until it worked for him too. The next few set backs were the Gold Ticket's Gold Breakfast at $50.00 and then other merchandise was pricy when I planned to get a few t-shirts for friends. Then finally the real bitch was it took forever for the freaking system to take my Credit Card, I practically had to try all of mine until one finally worked with the system. At that point when I had finally got my purchase to go through, the guys who set up the system realized to remove the invitation code! Thank God for me, that invitation code thing saved my ass...And now I along with ProjektRDM have achieved our DESTINY!!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

WWE Raw 9/19

Punk enters the arena and talks about his histroy at this arena along with last night's match. He talks about Awesome Truth interfering, as Triple H soon comes out to confront him. Triple H then talks about 10-Ten WWE Champion John Cena and Alberto Del Rio's rematch along with Punk's rematch. Triple H then says that because of the two rematches at hand, there will be a Triple Threat Hell in a Cell for the WWE Championship at the next Pay-Per-View. Following that Triple H says he'll go to war with Punk one more time. Punk then talks about conspiracies while John Lauriniatis comes out to interrupt Punk and Triple H. Punk, then points out Lauriniatis is pulling all the strings now which we all know he is doing that. Triple H then tells off John Lauriniatis, and how he'll get to the bottom of this BS. Triple H also ensues that someone will get fired!

Raw's first match on the card is an 8-Man Tag Team match. The teams were Sheamus, Justin Gabrial, Air Boom against Christian, Wade Barrett, David Otunga, and McGillicuty. Sheamus' team begins to do most the work in the opening seconds before Christian's team begins to isolate Evan Bourne from his team. Team Christian is tagging in and out making an effective team. Evan tags in Sheamus and that leads to all 8 men getting involved, leading to Sheamus picking up the win for his team by destroying David Otunga sending a message to Christian. This 8-Man Tag Team match, is short and sweet, that could've gone a few more minutes. Backstage Alberto Del Rio, tries to tell Triple H how to do his job and Triple H puts him in his place.

Our second match has Alberto Del Rio, being announced out by Ricardo. His opponent is none other that John.....MORRISON! Had you going there for a minute. Anyways Del Rio goes right to work on Morrison's arm making him tap out to the Cross Armbreaker armbar within mere minutes from the match beginning. After that we cut right to a commerical break, following the break thou we return to Hugh Jackman coming out to promote "Real Steel" and tries to get the crowd pumped. Just he's cut off by Vickie Guererro who tries to hit on him with Ziggler right behind her. Ziggler then tries to show off and boast about winning at Night of Champions to Jackmam. Ziggler then starts mouthing off more to him and says he has a guy to face Ziggler, where Jackman then runs backstage as people chant for Zac Ryder. Along with that Awesome Truth arrives and runs into Lauriniatis.

We comeback to Raw with Sin Cara(Mystico) facing off with Cody Rhodes, with Sin Cara(Hunico) showing up too. Cody bails from the ring and the two Sin Caras battle about. It is amazing bount of ariel attacks, leaving Sin Cara(Mystico) on top for the night. Then backstage Awesome Truth try to suck up to Triple H and then he fines them for the attack on the referee. Following that he puts Awesome Truth in a match against Cena and Punk. After a short break JR finds out Randy Orton invoked his rematch at Hell in a Cell before introducing Mark Henry the World Heavyweight Champion for their interview. They talk about how no one believed in Mark Henry, or how no one apoligized to him when he finally made it. Mark Henry then tries assaulting JR where Jerry "the King" Lawler comes to the save. The King tries to fight back against Mark Henry and fails big time, as in leading to him getting slammed through the announce table.

While Jerry "the King" Lawler is helped backstaged, Kelly Kelly and Eve make their way to the ring. Their opponents are Natalya and Beth Pheonix who beat down Eve in the opening minutes of the match. Somehow this match ends with barely any tags, while Eve steals the win with a roll up on Natalya. Backstage Hugh Jackman confronts Zac Ryder calls him delusional and out of his mind. After a commerical break, Dolph Ziggler awaits in the ring with Vickie Guerrero as Zac Ryder and Hugh Jackman enter the arena. Ryder gets an early lead, but Dolph begins to dominate Ryder. Ziggler continues to assault Ryder, with him geting in some majorily needed shots. Vickie Guerrero gets kicked from ringside, and Hugh sucker punches Ziggler letting Ryder land a Rough Ryder to pick up the win.

Backstage Vickie watches a promo for Jack Swagger before running into him. They talk Vickie's new stable and Dolph slulks in his defeat. Then CM Punk and Cena run into each other and talk about stuff they got in common. Cena talks about how him and CM Punk are making history this year, along with Punk saying to be a WWE Champion to be fired. After that we get a promo for Hell in the Cell in general. The promo, just clips almost the best moments together to set up the Pay-Per View. Now we get to the Main Event, where Awesome Truth tell Cleaveland it sucks. Uh, Miz don't you live in Cleaveland?! Whatever, Cena and Punk burst on the scene and the match gets rolling.
Cena and Miz start it off, with Punk and R-Truth quickly tagging in. Before the break it's back to Cena and Miz, and when we return Cena is isolated from Punk. Eventually Punk gets in along with R-Truth leading to him getting a GTS on R-Truth. After the match, Triple H comes out and fires Awesome Truth which leads to the Raw Roster throwing them out of the building.

Alright well this Raw was alright and fine, I didn't have many issues with it at all. I enjoyed the whole 8-Man Tag Team match, which like I said was short and sweet, but could've maybe gone longer. Del Rio, slaughtering Morrison was fun cause well it was random and no one really cares for Morrison these days. The promos for Sin Cara vs Sin Cara is stepping up and becoming better I can't wait to see these two go at it in the near future. Then Mark Henry interview and Diva Match is skipable and ok, while Zac Ryder, Hugh Jackman, Vickie Guerrero, and Dolph Ziggler stole the whole show. Zac Ryder and Dolph Ziggler are the best at wrestling and entertaining, also since they're friends they'll be able to put on better matches. As for the Main Event it was all foreseeable except Awesome Truth being fired ironically, just made it "WOW" and "LMAO" watching them freak out! Anyways this left me saying that this Raw hit a 3.5-Star Rating.

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Kamen Roller on Twitter & Updates!

Recently got Twitter(!/Wheelchair21 ), and started posting on there. I messaged ProjektRDM, retweeted random things from DeluxeRobots, and called out John Cena(!/JohnCena) to a rap battle! Also this week I plan to shoot some of my other reviews I still need to shoot. I plan to cancel the reviews on the Gokaiger Mobirates and the DX Ranger Key Sets. I also plan to kick out the two Beast War reviews from my list. That's all for now and check out AXT Episode 1-3 whenever the guys get it up like my pals GundamLegacyExtreme and ExtremeEnigmafy(!/ExtremeEnigmafy)!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

WWE Night of Champions

The Night of Champions opening promo sets up the whole night. The PPV starts right off with the WWE Tag Team Championship Match, Air Boom vs Awesome Truth. Awesome Truth entered the arena singing "What's Up? You Suck!" The Match opens up with Air Boom, actually making me believe they're good together. I actually think that this match was just to set them up. Anyways Air Boom kicks the crap out of Awesome Truth leading both members suicide diving out onto Awesome Truth. Eventually Miz and R-Truth begin to isolate Evan Bourne, and begin to pick up some steam. Evan gets a chance and tags Kofi in hitting the Boom Drop and SOS on Miz. Miz, kicks out fast and goes for the Man-tastic/Snapmare Driver. Kofi tries to get a break for Evan and Evan tags in. Evan just blasts Awesome Truth down and for Miz almost wins the match, but for once the dirty tactics go against them and the referee misses them completely leading to Awesome Truth to get DQ'ed. Awesome Truth then attack the ref, leading out to WWE Promos.

Backstage Awesome Truth runs into Matt Strike for an interview about striking the referee. They respond with them thinking everyone is against them. Back at ringside, we go right to the Intercontinental Championship match, Cody Rhodes defending against Ted DiBiase. They tie it up and DiBiase is showing why he's the son of the Million Dollar Man, but Cody reverses into using Hardcore Holly moves. Cody Rhodes, eventually manages to start laying a beating to Ted, that's when the match became slower. Ted makes a break, and slams Cody about. Ted rips off Cody's mask and tries to smash him in the face, but Cody slides and rolls him up for the pinfall. Following the match we get more WWE Promos and commericals.

We get to see the spanish commentary group leading into a random entrance for Christian. He rants for one more match then pisses off Buffalo about talking crap of their Football team. Eventually Sheamus shows up and makes his way to the ring. Sheamus then calls out Christian for another match before laying out Christian with the Brogue Kick. Following that promo, we got the Fatal 4-Way for the United States Championship. During entrance Vickie Guerrero enters with Dolph Ziggler the current champion but goes to Jack Swagger's corner. Swagger and A-Ry get Morrison and Ziggler out to start the match. Eventually things get hectic with Morrison, Swagger and Ziggler brawling in the ring. While Ziggler and Swagger fight over Vickie, A-Ry tries to steal the match but Vickie saves the match by getting Swagger's foot on the rope. We later on get the Tower of Terror, with all the guys being thrown from a turnbuckle. Towards the end of the match Swagger locks the Ankle Lock on Riley, Ziggler locks Morrison in the Sleeper, leading to Swagger beating down A-Ry and Morriosn. After Swagger hit a Gut-Wrench Powerbomb on Morrison, Ziggler slides in and pins Morrison. Backstage Vickie Guerrero runs into Striker for an interview, leading to her kissing him.

We come to the World Heavyweight Championship match, Randy Orton and Mark Henry face off in the ring. Orton makes some ways to fight Henry, but he charges back over powering Orton. Most of the match has Henry beating down Orton with him trying to fight back. Orton eventually hits several DDTs, before Mark Henry like injures Orton's leg making Orton unable to use the RKO with Henry flipping him into the World's Strongest Slam. Mark Henry wins the match and first World Championship, the crowd isn't really approving even thou most people wanted him to evenutally win it. Mark gets the mic and goes on how he will continue to dominate.

Backstage Alberto Del Rio walks around with John Lauriniatis talking about the WWE Championship. As Del Rio walked away CM Punk shows up and confronts him about how he talks load of crap. After the little run we get the Divas' Championship match. Kelly Kelly accompanied by Eve, as Beth Phoenix enters with Natalya with her hometown exploding for her. Kelly uses her speed against Beth and is caught for a spanking. Sometime afterward Eve and Natalya fight at ringside, and Kelly almost catches Beth with a roll up. Beth then begins picking apart Kelly Kelly further. Somehow as Beth tries for a Powerbomb, Kelly finally rolls up Beth for a pinfall.

Before the WWE Championship we get a promo of Champions of the ages. The promo eventually cuts to Alberto Del Rio cashing in on CM Punk. Then Cena bashing Del Rio on not being a great WWE Champion. Finally we cut to the entrances with Del Rio arguing with Ricardo about where was the car, as Cena enters with the car. Before the match starts they argue over crap and such, with Cena bashing Del Rio again. The match kicks off with Cena making Del Rio run about. Del Rio, and Cena get brawling as the referee kicks Ricardo out. Cena and Del Rio continue to conflict with each other leading to get points that get the crowd really going. Del Rio at one point hits his Super Enzuigiri on Cena, following that Del Rio begins working on Cena. the finally ends with Cena locking Del Rio in a STF for the win. Super Cena is our reigning WWE Champion yet again!

Now we come to the Main Even finally the NO DQ match, CM Punk vs WWE COO Triple H. Punk attacks Triple H before he gets into the ring, leading to them quickly fight near the announce tables. Triple H almost Pedigrees, Punk on the table and Punk runs into the ring. The battle in the ring and back to ringside, Triple H uses the ring post and Punk uses the steps. As Punk goes off a Bulldog Triple H pushes into the crowd where they fight their too. They spill over to the entrance ramp, where Triple H tries for another Pedigree. Punk countered it and goes for a Double Axe Handle, he follows up with dragging the match back to the ring. A Punk brings a chair into the match, Triple H lands a Spinebuster and throws Punk out of the ring. Outside Triple H works on Punks knee while they battle near the Spanish announce table.

Punk, hits Triple H with Diving Elbow Drop breaking the Spanish announce table. As both men try to get into the ring Awesome Truth attacks them and beats them down. Miz hits Triple H with the Skull Crushing Finale, R-Truh hits Punk with Shut Up trying to help Punk win the match. After Triple H, kicked out Awesome Truth attack the referee then Punk and Triple H attack them. Triple H then hits Punk with the Pedigree, without a referee to count a pin. Punk hits a GTS and R-Truth interferes again, with Punk hit him with a GTS. John Lauriniatis calls in Kevin Nash who comes in and attacks both Triple H and CM Punk. Kevin Nash eventually Jacknife Powerbombs Punk then he goes back to Triple H but Triple H knocks him out with the Sledgehammer. Triple H gets another Pedigree, the third of the night allowing him to pick up the win finale. After the match Triple H throws a "Suck It" at Punk!

Alright well the Pay-Per-View was pretty great and it could've been better. The opening matches were actually great. The whole way to promote the new guys or the best work horses on the card. The Tag Team match tried to improve or show how Air Boom can be a great tag team. Now as for the second match I wanted Ted DiBiase to beat Cody Rhodes so he could finally be somebody again. Just the endding to the first two matches sucked, a DQ and a stupid roll up. The third match was amazing, that Fatal 4-Way could've maybe stole the show if it went longer and was near to the main events. Also the outcome of the match was great, Ziggler retained and it made me a happy camper cause Ziggler is the man!

The rest of the night was much better and slightly sadder. The World Heavyweight Championship seemed like Orton might some how beat Henry, yet he sadly didn't. Henry just mostly beat down Orton and beat the crap out of him, which was like how the Divas' match went just ended like Orton's should've. Now as for that having Beth losing in her hometown pissed me off. I wanted the Glamazon to destroy Kelly Kelly at Night of Champions in Buffalo! Following that Super Cena jumped back to being King of the Mountain in the WWE, and for once I can approve this cause I just don't like Del Rio that much. Now finally we get to the Main Event! Triple H and Punk beat the crap out of each other, then Awesome Truth kicked their ass and finally Kevin Nash came out of nowhere to end the match! With all this happening it made the night really enjoyable. Somethings to point out are Ziggler's the man, Henry is a Champion finally, Beth got screwed, Super Cena is back and Triple H showed Punk why he is the Game! End resulting being, Night of Champions was a 7.5 out of 10-Star Rating!

Friday, September 16, 2011

WWE Smackdown 9/16

Smackdown opens right up to Edge's return! Also anyone notice that Rated-RRR sign tonight it made me laugh. Edge talks about missing the WWE and shooting that show he does for SyFy. Then Edge cuts to tonight's the Cutting Edge with guest Mark Henry and Randy Orton. Following that statement, Cody Rhodes shows to make a shot on Haven. Edge then tells Cody to quit bitching and blaming! Cody then goes to starting more bull crap on being Intercontinetal Champion, beating Ted DiBiase and Orton on the last Raw before calling Edge a tragedy. Edge retorts about talking how Cody is so boring, before exitting the ring. Rhodes starts ranting before being attacked by Ted DiBiase who leaves Cody in the ring with a Dream Street.

Backstage Sin Cara(Hunico) and Daniel Byran make their way to the ring before the break. After the commerical break we comeback to a promo for the match. The match itself thou opens with a brawl, Byran really being dominating in the opening mintues. Sin Cara fights back leading into another break. Following the break we return with Sin Cara locking Bryan in the Inverted Indian Deathlock as Bryan fights out. Bryan eventually breaks away by catching Sin Cara in face with a kick and elbow. Sin Cara reverses by locking Bryan in a Tree of Woe and attacks Bryan, leading to a DQ victory for Bryan. After the match the real Sin Cara(Mystico) appears and faces off with Hunico who leaves when the crowd sides with the original.

In Teddy Long's office he talks with Zac Ryder about Night of Champions and the World Heavyweight Championship match. After Zac Ryder leaves, Aksana tries hitting on Teddy Long as Trish Stratus walks in. Following this small promo, we cut to AJ with Kaitlyn at ringside facing Beth Pheonix with Natalya. Beth just destroys AJ within a few minutes. Then we get some promos for Night of Champions and Sheamus before cutting to a Tag Team match with Sheamus & Justin Gabrial facing off with Wade Barrett & Christian. In the opening minutes the Barrett and Christian isolate Gabrial off from Sheamus. Finally Sheamus gets in the match and begins to take back the match. Sheamus cleans out Christian before hitting Barrett with the Brogue Kick and tagging in Gabrial for to hit a 450 Splash for the win.

The Great Khali makes his entrance as they show what happened last week before he lays a beating to Heath Slater. Jinder Mahal comes down to the ring, and he's pissed with Khali and I really don't care about what he's saying. Eventually Jinder gets in the ring and attacks Khali with Slater. Khali breaks through and scares off Jinder Mahal while hitting the Double Handed Choke Slam. Next we get the promo for CM Punk vs Triple H in the No Holds Barred match at Night of Champions. After the promo we get to Air Boom's Evan Bourne facing off with Awesome Truth's R-Truth. As Awesome Truth makes their way into the arena, they remix "What's Up?" into "What's Up? Canada Sucks!" while the Miz joins commentary with Kofi who previously joined too.

Evan and R-Truth brawl about with their two different styles. Evan gets Truth down and goes for Air Bourne. Evan misses it and lands right into R-Truth's Shut Up facecrusher. Backstage Edge makes his way to the ring for the Cutting Edge with guests Randy Orton and Mark Henry. Orton starts about how Mark Henry is the World's Strongest Man and how he's trying to make a statement. Orton even says he'll beat Mark Henry at Night of Champions. Then Edge, goes into how Mark Henry has failed several times at getting to the top. Mark Henry then retorts with how he knows and what he does, which is he's coming for the World Heavyweight Championship. Then Edge where says this is the part where I said Teddy said you can't fight during the Cutting Edge, where he cuts to the Cutting Edge is over. Orton and Henry brawl it out while the whole roster races to break the fight. Henry lands the World's Strongest Slam on Orton then battles the rest of the roster. Smackdown ends with Mark Henry holding the Championship high over his head.

Smackdown started off pretty good,and actually made me really enjoy this episode. The whole intro with Edge's return leading to Cody Rhodes getting attacked by Ted DiBiase was awesome. I really enjoyed that now Ted might finally have a chance cause I've always had a liking for Ted Dibiase. The fact he's been getting crapped on by the WWE is amazingly huge Bull Crap cause I believe Ted is better than Cody. Anyways the opening match with Bryan and Sin Cara(Hunico) was great just shouldn't end with a 5-Count DQ. Following that is the little Sin Cara vs Sin Cara face-off which should've been a brawl if the suits were different. Then Trish Stratus' little show up backstage was cool, then Beth Pheonix destroying AJ was cool but got old. Where as the Tag Team match with Sheamus was awesome cause Sheamus just kicks everyone's ass. As for the end of the night it went all to hell, until the Cutting Edge that's where it got good again. Just it didn't end well for Orton, as he got beat down again along with the roster. That whole brawl was just to keep marketing Mark Henry being the World's Strongest Man! As a result that made this Smackdown just a pure 4-Star Rating, which was great due to recent weeks of failures.

Monday, September 12, 2011

WWE Raw 9/12

Raw starts right off with Alberto Del Rio, calling out John Cena about last week. Then Del Rio, continues to go on about how he beat Edge and cost him his career. Following that statement he went on to claim he'll beat Cena at Night of Champions, before being cut off by Bret Hart. Hart claims about how to be a great WWE Championship while Del Rio goes to insult him. Del Rio and Hart then go to face-off, as Cena cuts to the ring. Cena confronts Del Rio, leading to Cena trying to force Del Rio in a match with Bret Hart. As John Laurinaitiis comes out to make a stupid Tag Team match of Del Rio and Ricardo against Cena and Hart.

The first match on the card, is a tag team match of John Morrison and Alex Riley facing off with Jack Swageger and Dolph Ziggler. The match starts with Morrison and Ziggler, they brawl about a bit and Ziggler takes a lead over Morrison. Swagger and A-Ry get tagged in and A-Ry begins to do work. As A-Ry tries to go for a lead, Swagger locks the Ankle Lock but A-Ry counters out sending Swagger into Ziggler. A-Ry recovers and hits a TKO for the pinfall as Ziggler looks on. Following the match team Awesome Truth hold an interview about their upcoming match and WWE COO Triple H. Miz rants about CM Punk, before passing it off to R-Truth while he rants before they come to the entrance ramp and ring.

Second match on the card is Miz vs Kofi Kingston with eachs' partner standing at ringside. They brawl about, and fall outside where the others' partner comes to the save. The match spills back into the ring, and the Miz dominates Kofi all about the ring. Kofi fights back and begins to a make some sort of comeback, while trying to hit a SOS. Miz counters and eventually lands a Skull Crushing Finale on Kofi while grabbing the pinfall. Backstage, Teddy Long makes a Fatal 4-Way for the United States Championship with Ziggler, Swagger, A-Ry and Morrison, before Vickie Guerrero aruges with Kelly Kelly getting her into a match. Also a promo for Jerry "the King" Lawler and mystery partner vs Otunga and McGillicuty.

The rematch is now and Jerry "the King" Lawler selects his partner who is Sheamus this time. Lawler starts off for his team and he doesn't do much, until Sheamus comes in to dominate the match. Sheamus, then Brogue Kicks both Otunga and McGillicuty, while also hitting the Celtic Cross on McGuillicuty to grab the pinfall. That Irish bastard, is a one man wrecking team! For weeks now he's been beating the odds, eventually someone will have his number. While backstage, Del Rio and Ricardo plan out tonight's match.

Now we come to the Tag Team match of Champions, Cena and Hart the ring first with Del Rio and Ricardo following. The opening mintues has Cena toying with Ricardo, as if it's a bull fight with his shirt. Cena chases Del Rio and Ricardo around the ring, while Del Rio is made the legal man. Cena beats up Del Rio, before he tags Ricardo and leaves him to face Cena and Hart. Ricardo is hit with an Additude Adjustment and is locked in a Sharpshooter for the win. Following the Cena match, we come to Kelly Kelly vs Vickie Guerrero. Kelly just quickly beats Vickie as Jack and Dolph argue outside the ring. After the match Beth Phoenix tries to attack Kelly Kelly but is completely unsuccessful.

We get back to an amazing promo for Triple H, with an interview for Mark Henry. Henry talks about this Sunday and how he'll beat Orton, followed by the Smackdown rematch of Champion vs Champion. Orton faces off with Cody Rhodes and once again I feel like Orton will just beat him down like always. The match opens up just like always, Orton takes the lead. Mark Henry tries to come down to ringside, and Orton chases him off before heading back for Rhodes. Henry comes back to the entrance ramp, and gets Orton off his game as Cody fights back. After a break, Rhodes' is still maintain the lead over Orton. Once Orton got his groove back, Henry got closer to the ringside. Eventually Henry distracts the referee, allowing Rhodes to get one over on Orton hitting Cross Rhodes and the getting the pinfall. Following the match Mark Henry beats up Orton with a Steel Chair.

Now we come to the final face-off, Triple H and CM Punk. Punk starts off, about Kevin Nash being fired and the hate for each other. Punk also talks how Triple H is almost as bad as Vince McMahon. Punk then talks about the size of main superstars, while Triple H calls it an excuse for Punk's failures. Triple H then says his opinion doesn't matter it's the fans, that make him. Punk then asks where are the Ice Cream bars, along with the speech of the brass ring and how at his 1st Pay-Per-View he worked with DX in a Survivor Series match. Triple H, then cuts to how Punk needs to know why he respects John Cena, and how the fans work. Just like how the fans have hated him and how he needs to bust his ass. Then he shoots on how the match is going to go down this sunday. Where Punk says he's gonna give back a greater ass kicking and win at Night of Champions while stating their real names at the mics are cut off. Triple H keeps getting pissed with the mic BS and practically hands the Pipebomb to Punk where he smashes him in the face with the mic. Following the cheap shot, Punk leaves the ring.

The opening promo with Del Rio, Bret Hart, and John Cena was pretty good. I found some great humor with it. The John Laurinaitis interruption thou was a huge pain in the ass since that guy is such an ass! Anyways the matches were alright and okay. They could've been better and much more entertaining seeming that Night of Champions is this Sunday. The opening match is just more set up for Ziggler and Swagger, then following that we get more focus on Awesome Truth. Miz and R-Truth is not a great tag team just cause in recent years R-Truth is becoming annoying mostly within just this year alone. For Jerry "the King" Lawler's match, I wanted him to pick Zac Ryder again just cause Ryder is Awesome! Anyways he got Sheamus, which lead to a giant beatdown for Otunga and McGillicuty in a way only Sheamus can do.

Then as for John Laurinaitis' match he made, that was slightly a joke since we all knew Hart was gonna pick up the win making Ricardo tap out. As for Kelly Kelly's I just wish she would've beat up Vickie a bit longer, just cause who doesn't want Kelly Kelly just taking up sometime each week on Raw or Smackdown?! Anyways for the Smackdown, Champion vs Champion rematch I saw the end of the match coming but knew Cody would still get his ass beat all about the ring. Following the match we get to the final face-off, where it's all talk and hype. The promo was great but didn't have enough heat just hype until the Mic Shot! The cheap shot is really gonna get the War going at Night of Champions. But as for tonight, Raw was just over the top annoying for the fact the matches didn't truly stand out and the promos didn't really create alot of heat and just hype! So I got to give this Raw a 3.5-Stars!

Friday, September 9, 2011

WWE Smackdown 9/9

Smackdown opens with a huge promo featuring Mark Henry's domination of Smackdown before the intro starts up. Henry then starts the show by talking about his victories over Kane and Big Show, along with his Hall of Pain. Then Henry is cut off by Zac Ryder, and tries to make him a Broski while announcing that theres a no contact rule for him and Orton. Henry orders Ryder back into the ring, then asks him who'll win at Night of Champions where he tries to get out of the question. Ryder tries to get out of the way but is hit with a World's Strongest Slam. Ezekiel Jackson then makes his entrance to face Henry in the opening match.

Jackson and Ezekiel, face off and go for a power struggle clash. The two brawl about and Jackson tries to lock a Tourture Rack in, but fails. The match goes outside where Henry uses the ring to beat up Jackson. Henry then starts to lay it into Jackson and hits off a fast World's Strongest Slamto pick up the pinfall. After the match Randy Orton vs Cody Rhodes is promoted as Teddy Long runs into Aksana again. Then following the Aksana and Teddy Long, confrontation Sin Cara makes his entrance.

The Sin Cara match, is him beating down Tyson Kidd while the commentary talk about his dirty attack to Daniel Bryan. Sin Cara just mostly dominates Tyson Kidd in his usual way. The match is just plain boring cause the moves are just the same each week. After the match Josh Matthews has an interview with Sin Cara, who can now speak english! If anyone doesn't know this Sin Cara isn't Mystico he was recently replaced by Hunico due to the suspension. Then Bryan comes out and calls out Sin Cara for a rematch next week before being attacked and locked into his LaBell Lock.

When coming back to Smackdown a promo for Cody Rhodes, before Matt Strike has an interview with Randy Orton about facing Cody tonight. Following the interview, Kelly Kelly makes her entrance and awaits Natalya's entrance whose accompanied by Beth Phoenix. This Divas match is oddly out matched even thou Kelly Kelly gives Natalya a run for money in the opening minutes. Natalya beats down Kelly Kelly, but Kelly manages to get a roll up for the win and swiftly exits the ring.

Christian comes out and starts complaining about his match on Raw last week and the Steel Cage on Smackdown the following night. Then Christian continues to complain about how he wants another match until Sheamus cuts him off. Sheamus then intimidates Christian completely to leave, while Wade Barrett makes his entrance. Yeah another battle of the UK'ers! They tie it up and stuggle before they began to brawl about the ring. The pace flips back and forth between the two, with Wade Barrett eventually over powering Sheamus for awhile. Then when Sheamus finally begins to get momentum Christian interferes, Sheamus brawls out and hits Wade with the Brogue Kick. Before Sheamus can hit the Celtic Cross on Christian, he breaks from the hold and runs from the ring.

Air Boom then makes their entrance to face Jinder Mahal and the Great Khali. The match is pretty much the same as before, Evan got his ass beat down. Then Kofi appears and starts brawling about hitting his moves on Jinder. The match the ends the same as usual Khali and Jinder screw up cost them the match. Following, the match the entrances for Cody Rhodes and Randy Orton occur for the Champion vs Champion match for tonight's Main Event. Cody shot a quick promo thou before about Orton and Ted DiBiase. He ranted about stupid crap to practically force out Orton.

The match starts out with Orton beats Cody about in the opening minutes. Through out the match Orton just dominates Cody. Sometime later on in the match Cody actually tries to make a good come back. After a commerical break Cody is still maintaining the lead on Orton. Eventually Orton, makes a break from Cody and connects several moves on his old friend. Cody tries to his kick but misses and falls for a RKO. Following the match Mark henry makes his way down to the ring. Henry slams Orton down then, places a chair on his throat and sits down on him while taunting him.

Smackdown was slightly horrible, cause I didn't catch much of my attention. I thought the matches could've been greatly better. The promos also weren't even watchable at most times. Like this was just barely reaching a 3-Star Rating, and like probably hit a 2.5-Star Rating. The matches that are worth mentioning as the better matches were Barrett/Sheamus and Orton/Rhodes. Those two seemed to be great matches, just every time Barrett/Sheamus meet they've always ended horribly. I want the UK'ers to beat the living hell out of them. As for the matches that could've been greater should've been Henry/Jackson and Kelly/Natalya. My biggest complaints were they seemed too short and didn't have alot of counters or reversals. The Henry/Jackson match I wanted a battle of monsters not a Fat Strong man overpowering a Dominating guy like Jackson. As for the Divas, Kelly gave Natalya a run for her money earlier on but it didn't switch back and forth to gain a pop from the crowd. I really want the Divas to really step it up and be enough to rival some of the better Divas matches of yesterday. That's why this SmackDown hit a low of 2.5-Stars!

Rolling Review: D-Arts Beelzebmon

This is the D-Arts for Digimon Tamers' Beelzebmon. This figure is awesome but also seems to be fragile in certain areas. The accessories too are very limited, and seem barely like nothing. It would've been better to just have the Blaster Mode combined in the set/figure. Along with that people wonder when or if the Behemoth motorcycle will ever be released. Anyways the figure is great, I wish there was a Beast of the Fist King effect part and the Blaster form that could've even made this figure more enjoyable and amazing. I'm still fine with it and I hope ya enjoy the review!