Special Summary
The Samurai Special starts off with the Megazord battle from the Shinkenger vs Go-onger special where the RPM Rangers have the duel with "Professor Cog" as he's named that. Cog wins the duel, and tells RPM Red that he's going to another World transitioning to the Special Opening, clipping footage from the Shinkenger Movie and vs Go-Onger Movie. During the opening we see spoilers for today's special like the "Hyper" Samurai Red, "Hyper" MegaRed, "Hyper" RPM Red, Super form and even "DAI GOYO"! We get alot of things spoiled as you can see.
Following the opening we cut to Professor Cog and Grinders arrive in Samurai World, via the Subway. Cog goes to seekout in how to find the Netherworld and Master Xandred, witnessing the Samurai Rangers battle a Nylock Monster. After the monster runs out of water, he heads back to the Sanzu River to report to Xandred where "Akumaru" is seen and speaks during this confrontation. As Xandred, "Akumaru", Octoroo, and the Nylock talk Xandred tells of General Gut(Shinkenger Movie Villain) is preparing an army to attack the Rangers. They then cut in Professor Cog, arriving in the Sanzu River who seeks to forge an alliance with Xandred.
As the Alliance is forged, RPM Red arrives in this world also via the Subway, uh is this Kamen Rider Den-O?! Anyways the Grinders attack the Samurai Rangers, when RPM Red arrives to save them. Mia and Emily automatically like him, while the guys don't trust him at all while heading off to the Shiba House. RPM Red tells them his name is, Scott(Good Same Voice, Same Name) and he can't demorph due to how his universe's air flow is possibly different from the Samurai's World, while explaining Venjix and Prossefor Cog's motifs. Back in the Sanzu River, Xandred summons the Nylock called Sgt. Tread(Nylock from vs Go-Onger) while Grinders begin to attack a fisherman.
The fisherman is Antonio, who morphs into Samurai Gold and uses "Dai Goyo" to fight them. Back at the Shiba house Mike tries getting Scott to demorph luring him Mia's food, before he runs off on Mentor's motorcycle to aid Antonio whose fighting next to the Gold Zushi cart. Eventually all 7 Rangers face off with Cog; Cog defeats them hitting the Reds with Hypno-bolts and the other Samurai Rangers with Vector Vortex sending them to RPM World. The Reds retreat, where RPM Red says the other RPM Rangers will help the Samurai Rangers as General Gut chats with Xandred, and Cog get his Sanzu River water. By night fall the Hypno-bolts begin to work turn the Red against each other, as the Nylocks prepare for another attack. Jayden summons a Horse, and Scott steals the motorcycle again with the Rangers racing each other heading off to the Nylock Attack Force.
Moogers and Grinders, surround the Red Rangers as they finally turn against each other. The footage of RPM Red vs Samurai Red is practically the same from Sentai Team Up Special, just the only difference is how they avoid killing each other using different objects. Then the Rangers show how they figured out the poison from the bullets as the Red Rangers take on Sgt Tread and Professor Cog on their own. The Car fight is clipped in, along with the debut of Hyper Form called Shark Attack Mode and the Super Mode. The Samurai Rangers finally arrive, with showings of the Hyper Go-On Red suit in the US before shooting right into the Rangers destroying Tread and Cog.
Next up the Samurai Rangers and RPM Red face off with General Gut and his army of Nylocks. The 5 main Samurai Rangers call on their horses and RPM Red uses the Car agian with Antonio hopping in with him. Most of the footage is from the Shinkenger Movie, while Antonio and Scott get a few small scenes. Samurai Red goes Shark Mode to fight General Gut all leading into our Megazord battle. Mega Shark Red, stands in the cockpit battling General Gut, while Scott and Antonio have car trouble. The Samurai Shark Megazord, destroys General Gut in seconds while the others still have car trouble. Xandred then goes through Rita Repuslsa syndrome, the ongoing headaches!
The Samurai Rangers, send off Scott at the Subway. There Mike still tries to get Scott to demorph. As the chat about, Scott says to Mike he knows he's got a thing for Emily and her for him. The train heads off, and the guys head for home with Mike leaping in the air knowning love is in the air.
This actually wasn't horribly bad as most people might say. The special opening is the thing that really ruined the whole special. If it didn't show so many spoilers, I would've been more amused. The other spoilers also were bad like the names weren't given for "Akumaru" or "Dai Goyo" throughout the whole thing. They were there in the special and did something, just "Dai Goyo" didn't talk sadly. Our other huge issue was Scott being stuck in Ranger Form, and just him being our only RPM Ranger. I have no hatred for the special execpt towards the small issues of not naming "Akumaru" and how another Nylock Monster is shown not being defeated. Since the monster seen early on wasn't destroyed I fell like they're going to reclip the fight into a later on episode to conclude the monster's defeat. My actual likes about the special in general was how it was greatly clipped together, combining both Shinkenger Movies and the trolling debut of Super, along with Shark Attack Mega Mode. In all actuality this 1hr Special was the best Samurai sets by far up to today and plan to rewatch several more times!
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