Wednesday, March 28, 2012

V-Log: Wheels Have Been Rolling!

Well I got in a package about a week ago, and in it was my Ichigan Buster along with Super Rocket Switch. Great items they were indeed, even thou my camera didn't want to work with me during the recording of the Unboxing. But that wasn't all for this V-log since I needed to shameless plug my Podcast Toku Anime News. A show that Projektrdm, Darkon633 and I along with GundamLegacyExtreme put on every week or so. We're pretty basic but doing mostly to past the time, and have fun. Hell we even have a Wrestling Segment!!

Transformers the Reviews!

Generations Kup, is right off the bat an amazing Transformer! The truck is amazing even thou it's not base on his cybertronian truck, and his robot form has alot of possibility. The box art however makes him look bulkier than he real is in hand, making you want to double guess yourself on the check-out line. I do got to say it's impressive, and the costums being made for him are even greater!

The only Reveal the Shield figure in my collection and most likely my last unless I get Perceptor. Well anyways this is the Rolling Review for Wreck-Gar the leader of the Junkions. Composed of junk, he takes the form of a Dirt Bike that can transform into robot mode. The transformation is easy and isn't truely difficult at all. The only real issue on most Wreck-Gars' are the hinges on the handle bars that seem to break easily if not careful or done too many times. Just when its in complete condition the only issues are the left knee, its hands sculpt and his wheel shield that has to be held by hand and not attached to the forearm.