A Top 10 to celebrate Halloween in a Power Ranger sorts of ways. This Top 10 is for Halloween themed monsters or monsters that attack based on the horror or sci-fi genre. Not all on this Top 10 may amuse or please most fans, since it's my choice and my ranking for these monsters along with the episodes they were in. Along with that I do hope everyone has a pleasant Halloween, and can re-call these great Monsters of Power Ranger Horror!

10. Frankenstein's Monster - MMPR: Life's A Masquerade
This was a easy given to place at 10 cause it quite frankly did nothing, but try to scare the party-goers at the Youth Center. Along with just doing nothing it was a horrible suit, and lamer than any other frankenstein at the time, until the Beetleborg Knock-Off showed up. Also it was eventually destroyed by the Dragonzord in Battle Mode. A fun-fact about it was in Zyuranger this monster had a bigger part to play, as it returned to form Mutitus' japanese counterpart.

9. Gargoyle of the Gates - PRMF: Gatekeeper Pt. 2
The Gargoyle, is one of my favorite Mystic Force monster from the show that wasn't a main villain or apart of the Ten Terrors. Another reason I enjoy this monster was it was pretty badass, along with that I've always loved Disney's Gargoyles. The creature had no speaking lines, and was just a mere random creature. I would've liked the monster if it appeared long than just 10 or 15 mins within this two parter.

8. The Alien - PRLG: The Rescue Mission
This monster made the Top 10? Yeah it did, so get over it! The Alien made it on my countdown due to the fact, this was an episode not about Rangers morphing and fighting a monster with guns! Another huge reason on how the Alien made it on this Top 10, was because the movie is alot like the Alien-movie series since alot of the series are shot in darkness and its an original PR Monster.

7. Wolfblades - PRNS: Shimazu Returns Pt. 1 & Pt. 2
These were Shimazu werewolf-like pet warriors that did his bidding. There were three in total a black, a silver and a brown. I really liked these monster for their design and combined form(pictured above). I could've placed them higher on the Top 10, but chose not to just because retro is usually always better to me.

6. Barillian Bugs - PRiS: The Barillian Sting
The Barillian Bugs, have no true tie to a Halloween but the episode is like 1989 science-fiction horror film Leviathan. The reason I say it's like Leviathan and not the Alien series is because its an infectious mutation which takes out Carlos and Cassie. Another thing is the Barillian Bugs are amazing scorpion themed monsters!

5. Skelekron & his Reapers - PRLG: Destined for Greatness
Skelekron was a skeleton-knight monster which looked badass, along with that had Skeleton Warriors(pictured atop the Top 10) that looked like either the Four Horsemen or Grim Reapers. Also his Skeleton Warrior were made by leech the powers of the Rangers which he captured. Just he sadly was defeated by Mike who assumed the role of Magna Defender.

4. Count Nocturne - PRT: Carlos and the Count
This monster is freakin' goofy as hell, yet it was a semi-successful monster when it comes to Megazord Battles. He crucified the Rescue Megazord, then drilled into the Turbo Megazord limbs forcing the two to combine their working parts to defeat him. The Megazord fight from this episode is amazingly one of my favorites from childhood, along with the fact the Rangers were watching Vampire movies that inspire the Count's creation.

3. Pumpkin Rapper - MMPR: Trick or Treat
The infamous Pumpkin Rapper, comes in at Number 3! The Pumpkin Rapper was a jack-o'-lanturn based monster, that has corny raps which I find amusing. His debut was pretty great, since it had several great songs from Ron Wasserman. He's a re-used quite often, along with that he returns in another Halloween themed episode.

2. Rito Revolto - MMPR
Yeah Rito Revolto a main villain made it into the Top 10! Rito was always, one of my favorite generals alongside Goldar just Rito fits the theme. Another reason Rito got on the countdown is cause he destroyed the Thunderzords and fought the Ninja Falcon Megazord only to be defeated.

1. Doomstone - MMPR: Zedd's Monster Mash
Doomstone is a monster that never died! He's like the greatest monster ever, since he never died along with that he's a Tombstone that resurrects old monsters. Heck a monster that could resurrect monsters could've taken over the world all on his own. I seriously think if Saban still had alot of the monster suits, to make an anniversary special on Doomstone making a fallen monster army to face all Rangers... Actually it should be the whole plot for Gokaiger's American Adaptation!
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