Recently some new pictures surfaced on the Ultra-Acts of Mirror Knight, JeanBot, and Ultraman Agul. Out of the three of these newer figures to the Ultra-Act line I wish to eventually buy Ultraman Agul. So far I know some of the accessory this figures come with, but I'm not entirerly sure if all effect parts will come with figures at this time. Agul comes from Ultraman Gaia, with his release being sometime November along with that he comes with his blade attack and finisher effect. Mirror Knight who is also to be released in November comes with effects I don't know anything about since I haven't seen anything of Zero, the same goes for Jean-Bot who is released at the end of this year in December. Anyways all I know is I'm getting Ultraman Gaia and that's all for now other than Ultraman Gaia that's already pre-oredered at
The other day some friends and I were talking about WTF Moments in Transformers G1 and we came to an agreement that this clip of the sixth intro is one of those moments. When I first saw this clip awhile back, I was completely unsure if I was high or drunk off my ass. Heck I was probably both! Who knows? But when this came up in the matter at hands it was only I and DeluxeRobots to be the only ones in the call to have ever seen the footage. So linked the others and we had a huge laugh at this clip. Deluxe even said "If you see a Live-Action Prime from the 80s you sir are drunk!" That really burst the chat wide open, making jokes like this clip should've been spoofed for promos in the movie. Heck I even went on saying that probably Peter Cullen forgot doing! But hey you decide how WTF this moment real is!
Thanks Youtube and RetroJunk, for bringing back these WTF Moments!
On July 17 at WWE Money in the Bank, CM Punk defeated John Cena for the WWE Championship. That same night he walked away from the WWE and took the Championship with him. The following night on Monday Night Raw, WWE Chairman Vince McMahon stripped Punk of the championship and arranged an 8-man single elimination tournament to crown a new champion. The results would be Rey Mysterio and the Miz in finals which was then set to take place the following Raw, as Mr. McMahon was forced to resign as chairman with his son-in-law, Triple H taking over.
A week later on this most recent Monday Night Raw of July 25th, Rey Mysterio successfully defeat the Miz in the tournament finals to become WWE Champion. Eventually later on that night the new WWE COO Triple H would go on to make another championship match with Rey defending the title against John Cena who rightfully had a re-match cause that became nullified when Punk left the WWE. The match was actually a great match to remember going a full 20-mins, and had some memorable moments like when Rey locked Cena in his own STF, or the several finisher reversals each man made. The end result thou was John Cena defeating Rey Mysterio to become a 9-time WWE Champion.
But immediately following Cena's title win, Punk returned to WWE TV and held his belt up in defiance of Cena's win. Also debuting his new enterance theme back from his ROH days, "The Cult of Personality." The following night at the SmackDown! tapings, WWE COO Triple H announced that both men had legitimate claims to the title and the situation would be rectified the following Monday on RAW.
Hey anyone remember this review, it's my very first one and it was SH Figuarts Kamen Rider Black! Anyways I shot this back in early 2010, sometime in March in my school's weight room. This video as you can see isn't my best, but it's still my first and everyone has to start somewhere. Just I started at school, and that's an odd place to review I must say.
Recently I obtained pictures of the new confirmed SH Figuart Kamen Rider Den-O Climax Form. Den-O Climax form was promoted at the last Tamashii event and is set to release sometime this December. I plan to get this certain SHF just because I freaking love Den-O, and when I mean love I mean anything before the team up movie with Kiva. After the Kiva movie, Chou DekaClimax I think it was Den-O practically died in the eyes of most fans heck it probably because the other movies all sucked. Seriously a team up with Decade, a Trilogy to market New Den-O and the 40th Anniversary movie with OOO. But you got to the OOO movie some credit cause without it we would've probably had to wait longer for Den-O Climax Form's release.
Hey everyone and welcome to my new Blog! This is the Rolling Revolution, and I here to report the news on Tokusatsu, Anime and my other own personal things. Anyways to start off this amazing new blog it's a v-log on this Blog, Projektrdm's blog, upcoming reviews and Jory's Facebook fan page for Kamen Rider & Super Sentai. What I got in my package from Amiami was Kamen Rider Dragon Knight figmas to finish my collection of the series. I plan to get the reviews for them up in a month or so maybe along with several others I got planned. Also stay tuned for more new posts, new reviews of SH Figuarts, Transformers and DVDs, and several other random things to come.