Overview:Hell in a Cell, opens with a cool promo for the event. Following that we, pan to the commentary team introducing themselves while Christian makes his entrance. During this time the camera team shows Miz and R-Truth coming to the front row with tickets. Before Sheamus can make his entrance Laurinaitis and his security team come to kick out Miz and R-Truth out. Then the opening match was allowed to begin, Sheamus and Christian tie it up. Sheamus gets an early lead, as Christian tries to bolt from the ring. Sometime later Christian knocks Sheamus out of the ring from the tope rope. Christian drags Sheamus back in, and begins to wear him down. Sheamus powers out, leading to him countering an early KillSwitch. Following that the two soon to begin brawling about from ring-post to ring-post, leading to Sheamus landing the Shoulder Block! As Sheamus, goes for a Brogue Kick on Christian just he bails from the ring leading to an outside Spear then another in the ring. Sheamus breaks the pinfall, and leads to him landing the Brogue Kick followed by the pinfall.
After the match, Mark Henry backstage has an interview with Matt Striker about the upcoming match tonight. We then cut to Sin Cara(Mystico) vs Sin Cara(Hunaco) a match that is quite boring. The opening minutes of the match are boring cause of the damn Sin Cara lighting, and they're very tactical in their wrestling. Eventually these two luchadores starting like luchadores can! Sin Cara(Hunaco) being bigger and stronger, lands a powerbomb and attempts another one leading to Sin Cara(Mystico) getting a roll-up pinfall. Backstage, CM Punk is confronted by David Otunga where Punk insults him several times.
Next up we got a Tag Team Championship match, with Air Boom facing Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger accompanied by Vickie Guerrero. The match begins with Air Boom, beating Swagger and Ziggler about until they use dirty tactics. The match has great points to it and ironically making a match that should be the sub main-event on a Raw. The match almost ends with Ziggler assisting Swagger for a Super-Powerbomb, just Kofi Kingston gets Ziggler out of the ring leading to Bourne hitting the Frankensteiner. Following the Frankensteiner, he goes right into a pinfall roll up for the win.
The fourth match on the card is the World Heavyweight Championship, Hell in a Cell match. Mark Henry and Randy Orton start off the match brawling with each other. Orton, begins trying to ground Mark Henry and slam him off the cell. Henry powers out and being slamming Orton all about the Cell and ring. During the match Henry tries throwing the stairs at Orton, which gets the crowd popping. Henry continues to weardown Orton, for awhile leading to him locking a few Bearhugs in. Henry then drags Orton outside to try and hit a World's Strongest Slam on the steps, but Orton climbs up the cage leading to him fighting out. Back inside the ring Orton, beings to hitting off his signatures followed by him setting up the RKO. Orton, hits the RKO with Henry managing to kickout of a 2-Count pinfall. With the RKO unsuccessful, Orton begins to prep the Punt Kick but falls into the World's Strongest Slam, allowing Henry to pick up the win. After the match ends, Henry instead of walking away tries to cause more damage on Orton with another World's Strongest Slam, and the chair on the knee. Orton slides out of the way and hits him with the chair several times, before Henry kicks him in the gut and runs away.
Backstage Alberto Del Rio, has an interview with Josh Matthews about his upcoming Hell in a Cell match tonight. Following the interview, we get Cody Rhodes coming out to cut a promo. Rhodes during the promo throws the Intercontinental Championship in a paper and un-vales the classic Intercontinental Championship as the new and current Championship. Ironically, this makes Rhodes look badass at this moment to bring back the retro belt! Laurinaitis, then comes out to interupting him to tell him he's defending it against John Morrison. Rhodes, isn't ready for the match and Morrison is just dominating him. Rhodes bails from the ring and begins trying to get counted out. Rhodes, begins to ground Morrison for awhile even locking in the Figure 4-Leglock. Morrison fights out and begins taking it to Rhodes eventually leading to Rhodes blocking and avoiding Morrison signature and finisher. Following those reverses, Rhodes rolls up Morrison for the pinfall.
Laurinaitis comes rushing into Triple H's office, telling him stuff is going down. They go rushing from the office into Air Boom's locker room where Miz and R-Truth are attacking them. Security removes them as Triple H chews out Laurinaitis. After that we cut to Beth Phoenix with Natalya making her entrance to face Kelly Kelly accompanied by Eve for the Divas' Championship. The match starts with Kelly Kelly hitting Phoenix with Lou Thez Presses' and Sentons. Phoenix powers out and ties Kelly up in the turnbuckle followed by a Dragon Sleeper. Phoenix then begins to grind her elbow and knee on Kelly's back. Eventually Kelly and Phoenix battle about in several roll-ups, as Phoenix tries for the Glam Slam. As Kelly begins to get fight out, where Natalya beats down Eve. Back inside the ring, Phoenix locks Kelly in Natalya's new submission, while the refree breaks the hold due to Kelly reaching the ropes as Natalya hits Kelly with the microphone. The ref doesn't notice this and Phoenix follows straight into the Glam Slam and pinfall.
As we come to the WWE Championship, Hell in a Cell we get the promo that lead to this Triple Threat Match. The promo begins with CM Punk winning at Money in the Bank, then Del Rio cashing in his Money in the Bank contract at Summerslam, followed by Cena getting the title back at Night of Champions and finally Triple H making this match. The match opens with Cena and Punk trying to corner Del Rio. Cena and Punk then are left in the ring to start battling each other trying to lock in their finishers. Following that CM Punk hits a suicide dive, on both Cena and Del Rio. Punk and Del Rio, then begin to brawl in the ring as Punk gets out the first weapon of the night. Cena then starts battling with Punk outside before Del Rio joins the fray. Now Cena and Del Rio battle in ring as Cena hits the 5 Knuckle Shuffle, and soon is kicked by Punk. After that Punk hits Cena with a neckbreaker and Del Rio with a DDT, while busting out a table.
Following Cena reversing Punk, Del Rio attacks Cena bringing him back into the ring. As Cena fights back, Punk gets involved in the match again. Del Rio manages to get headlock on Punk as Cena the both for a Leg Drop. Cena goes for an AA on Del Rio, but fails as Punk comes to the save knocking Del Rio out of the ring. Cena and Punk go punch for punch, until Del Rio flies in with a chair. Then Del Rio sentons onto Cena and Punk, which was the stupidest part of the night so far. Eventually, Cena hits an AA on Punk, Del Rio breaks the pinfall while Del Rio tries to lock the Armbar on Cena and Punk saves the match; that ends with Punk hitting a GTS on Cena and Del Rio saving the match. Del Rio takes over the match and begins dismantling Cena. As Del Rio turns to Punk, Punk fights back. Cena explodes back into the match, only leading to Punk reversing him.
As Punk goes to Elbow Drop Cena like he did to Del Rio earlier, Del Rio pushes Punk off the top rope and into the table. Del Rio then falls into the STF, and Ricardo breaks into the match leading to Del Rio getting and locking Cena out of the cell. Del Rio now works on Punk, as Punk is now the underdog. Outside of the cell, Cena begins to come too, while inside Punk fights back. While Del Rio and Punk battle for the Championship, Cena tries breaking into the cell as Del Rio hits Punk with the pipe he used on Cena. This all leads to Del Rio being able to win the Championship, and as the cell rises Cena jumps Del Rio. While this happens Miz and R-Truth slide in attacking everyone in the cells area as the cage closes down. The whole roster rushes to the cell and try to get in, while Awesome Truth destroy the refs, Cena, Punk, Del Rio and Ricardo. Eventually the cell is broke open and every rushes Miz and R-Truth, while they get arrested and Triple H jumps them before being carried away by superstars and security.
Review:Well I can start off by saying that everything but the end of the Pay-Per View was great! That end with Miz and R-Truth, coming out was boring as hell cause the roster didn't get a chance to beat the hell out of them. Like it would've been better if the roster bursted in to destroy those two. The end was just too much like a crappy episode of Raw. Anyways as for the matches, I think the top 3 matches on the card were the Triple Threat Hell in a Cell, the Tag Team match and Sheamus vs Christian. Sin Cara vs Sin Cara would've made it if the lighting was the Gold and Blue for Sin Cara. The whole Triple Threat was amazing and could've ended better with Punk winning, but alright Del Rio it's still an ok ending just due to the reversal rate and counters. The other Hell in a Cell match wasn't the greatest and was quite boring, not enough action or wrestling along with the sad endding of Orton losing!
As for the other matches I did enjoy the Sheamus/Christian match, Tag Team Match and Sin Cara vs Sin Cara. Those three had great points that establish their divisions. Sheamus and Christian brawled about leading to two amazing Spears and the Brogue Kick. Following that we jump to Sin Cara vs Sin Cara, these two luchadores just amazed the hell out of me. My issue was that they didn't go over edge with showing off their talent. Mystico and Hunaco could've brought down the house, just they didn't! The Air Boom/Perfect Americans match was amazing, if anyone doesn't know who the Perfect Americans are they're Ziggler and Swagger. That tag team match was good and great should get a rematch on Raw that's how enjoyable I found it.
The bottom two matches were Rhodes/Morrison for the Intercontinental Championship, and Kelly/Phoenix for the Divas' Championship. Since Rhodes/Morrison was unannounced and it was John Morrison instead of Ted DiBiase I got annoyed. I'm annoyed cause DiBiase is getting crushed, just atleast we know Morrison is out of his trouble due to Melina. So I guess that's good for MoFo's out their! As for the Divas match, it was a great Divas' match but I didn't think Natalya really need to use the Mic on Kelly Kelly to help Phoenix. That was just a low blow for Divas' and yet really violent since Divas' barely use weapons! Anyways as a result if I'm still using the 10-Star rating this would be a nice 8.5-Star rating for Hell in a Cell!